The Hearing Day 1

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I can't believe it has come to this yet again. I'm on trial for a crime I never committed. Yes, I took Carly from school and yes I lied to those soldiers she knew but no I did not kidnap her. She's my sister and I wanted to protect her for as long as I possibly could from that monster who calls himself our father but all he is is a sperm donor fuck knows how many more women he's gotten pregnant over the years and hidden it from not my mother and Carly's either that or he's denied it. 

We all know what happens when you hide shit you crumble and burn. I hope to god Carly isn't here today even if she's hell-bent on making a statement. I don't want her to see me like this, a shell of a guy she knows. Do I get hauled into the courtroom and taken to the stand where they uncuff me which was really unnecessary in the first place I mean where the fuck will I go anyway?

"All be seated."

Everyone in the courtroom takes a seat and the room is in a deathly silence. One you could hear a pin drop in.   The judge then held the Bible out to me and had me swear on oath that I would tell the truth, nothing but the truth and the whole truth.  "Mr. Stevens, you are here today to stand trial for the kidnapping of Miss Carly Evans. Before the jury makes their decision we need to hear everyone's account for that day." the judge said, handing the spotlight to the barrister to ask questions.

"Mr Stevens. Please tell the jury what. happened that day that you chose to kidnap Miss Evans."

"I had just been released from prison and headed to the school where my sister was. It was her leaving day and she was getting her results so I thought I would surprise her."

"Did she seem surprised, Mr. Stevens?"

"She did a happy kind of surprise. She knew I was being released but not that day like I said it was a surprise."

"So she got in the car willingly?"

"She did."

"Then what happened Mr Stevens? We know you didn't take her home?"

"No, I didn't. I just wanted to spend time with her before we headed home to surprise my mom and dad."

"Mr Caleb Harper?"


He nodded. "Did she think you were heading home?"

"Yes. Until we got further out of the town."

"Then what happened?"

"She asked where  we were going?"

"And did you tell her?"

"Not in so many words, just somewhere we could talk."

"What did you want to talk to her about?"

"Our father. He was being released and I wanted her away from him."

"Why would you want her away from your father? One that you both hadn't seen in a long time."

"Cause he wasn't the father figure either of us needed around, especially Carly. He was never a father to me Caleb was."

"Maybe you don't let him be."

"He didn't want to be. You don't know my father like I do."

"So tell us what your father is like?"

"He was a hateful bastard. He only gave a shit about himself. He never took the time to get to know me or play games with me growing up. He said it was unmanly."

"And maybe he would've had a better relationship with your sister and it would make you jealous because you never had a bond with him. Correct."

"That's utter bullshit. He is a self-centred self-absorbed asshole. He never had time for me. Do you think he'd really have time for a daughter he never got to meet? Do you think I want my sister to have to go through what I did?

"And what exactly did you go through?"

This guy was pissing me off. I had promised my father I would never tell a soul about what he had done to me. Carly knew briefly but not all of it.  So I showed them exactly what my father was like. I began to pull my shirt up.

"Mr Stevens, what are you doing?"

"Showing you exactly what my father was capable of and what I was trying 5o save Carly from." I said pulling my shirt off and showing every scar that I had insured from that man, the man who claimed to be my father and was correcting my behaviour when all I wanted was for him to love me and to take notice of me maybe for once in his pathetic life and to be a father to me. 

I heard gasps across the courtroom scanning over the room. I spotted Carly who was with my brother and her friends from camp. Aiden was hugging her close and they both had tears in their eyes. She was sobbing her friend who was beside her was home, her hand squeezing it whispering something to her. 

Reassuring her. Why did she have to come? She shouldn't be seeing this. "No do you understand why I didn't want my sister to have anything to do with my father, do you? This was what I got for being a kid who wanted his father to take notice of him when he was home from wherever the army took him. But, he saw me as a fuckin hindrance like I was supposed to sit in a corner and keep fuckn silent instead of wanting to be with my father when he came home. Do you think I wanted my sister to go through this? Fuck no. Yes she may be older, but it doesn't guarantee this shit I'm ever happening to her and I don't think her mother would be to happy if she came home covered in bruised and was bleeding from we're ever father had taken a belt to her or whatever he could find to keep her mouth shut di you?" I said angrily.

"That's all your honour."

"Court dismissed until tomorrow," he said, banging down his hammer.

I was let down off the stand and handcuffed. This really wasn't what I wanted Carly to see. 

I looked over the courtroom and our eyes locked hers were all puffy and red. Aiden looked at me nodding. I returned the nod knowing my little brother would take care of my little sister and his girl.

They pushed me to go through the back into the car to take me back to the prison knowing I would be here for more days than I intended. I wish they would just get it over and do me with but there were more witnesses to give their version of events. One being Carly. I wish she wasn't so stubborn and headstrong. We all know what the verdict is going to be even with her testimony. Her friends' versions will no doubt make me look like the big bad wolf.


I can't believe what a cock sucking asshole their father really was. Now I understand why Liam wanted Carly not to have anything to do with their father and called him a sperm donor. I don't think he went the right way around it. He could've just gone somewhere to talk to her alone about what their father was like not taking her away from everyone she knew to do it in a remote cabin that only he seemed to know anything about. 

Mom was a fuckin mess so much so Caleb had taken her home I had opted to stay with Carly and her two soldier friends who were trying their best to comfort her after what they had just seen. And trying to calm down in their own anger for that prick who had everyone fooled especially my mom and Carly's they had no idea how their father had treated Liam whilst he wasn't on leave with the army. He was good at being a father with his only son at the time. I can't imagine what Liam was going through having to keep that away from everyone, especially mom. I can't believe his father was a monster in the making. I had never seen him but I had heard a few things about him but nothing bad, bad. How had Liam kept this all to himself all of these years? Did he think Mom wouldn't believe him? Was he scared of his own father and what he would do if he spoke about it? Would his father lie about the physical abuse he was initiating when beating his own son? I felt sick thinking about it. 

I want to tear him a new worse hole and tear him to shreds, but it's too late to press charges against his father because it has been too long. I just hope the judge and jury take some sympathy in my brother's account and if they don't find him not guilty to give him a lesser sentence cause ye was only doing what he thought best for early in his eyes even if it wasn't in others.

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