Damned idiots

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As the training continued, I worked out that it was only me, Charlie and the two guys who'd introduced themselves as Jaxon and Lucas were the only ones in this botch job team who had the actual brains to work out the answers to any of the questions given. The three girls who literally spat their names at us just stood rolling and cutting their eyes at us. Examining their nails, goddamnit I'm surrounded by idiots. The four of us were getting frustrated by the IT girls who'd rather talk about garbage than do any actual work. We continued on. Well, we finally got the last question right and headed back to camp and the fifth team back. Great, we would've made it second if it weren't for those damned idiots that Bulldog paired us with. Thanks a lot Bulldog, remind me to return the favour.

"Well done everyone, we are heading back now, so make sure that you shower and change before supper tomorrow. It is still a team, but it will determine how many of you make it through to the actual games this weekend, so be prepared to work hard together or be left in the side when the rest of your teammates go to the games without you."

Everyone groaned and headed back to camp.

"That was an interesting first day."

I looked at Charlie and smiled. "Sure was. Can't wait until tomorrow."

"Me neither, but I think the plastics won't want to break any more nails." He laughed.

I laughed too. "Or split hairs. No wait, crack their plastic faces."

He laughed, making me laugh harder.

"How long are you here for Carly?"

"Until the end of Easter break, you?"

He sighed, slumping his shoulders. Indefinitely, we'll until I begin showing progress anyway they need to know I can handle the outside world and the people in it."

"I think you're doing a pretty good job so far."

He smiled. "You're different from everyone here, you don't push me away because I'm different."

"You're no different, Charlie. If they can't see that, that's their problem. We all have different ways of approaching people if we're scared of rejection."

"So friends for life?"


He smiled brightly.

We entered the cafeteria and grabbed our food and drinks, sat down to eat and chat. It's just a pity others here can't see what I see about Charlie. He's reserved and scared of rejection and I'm not one to reject anyone on the fact that they are different, because I'd be a hypocrite if I did. I'm more different than anyone here, yet I have older guys falling over themselves to talk to me, which is new. And I have made at least one friend. Which I'm glad of. I connect more to Charlie than he realises.

After supper we say goodbye and head to our cabins until tomorrow,

morning, god I hope I don't have to get up at the crack of dawn again.

Morning came quicker than I hoped for. Everyone is woken around six great no rest for the wicked. I stumble and dress, slipping my boots on, heading sleepily out of the cabin to be greeted by those exact same looks of WTF? It's six am. I go to hell assholes. "Good morning everyone."

Everyone looked at Bulldog unimpressed that we'd all gotten woken up when we could've done with an extra hour of bed. He looked over at us, scanning the tired faces , smirking. Oh don't worry asshole, I'll get you back for this.

"Today you're going in there." He said, pointing at the woods. "You have to rely on your instincts, your senses, hearing and sight are most important in the woods when you don't know what you'll be coming across. You also need to rely on each other to get yourself out of there before dark. Don't let your teammates down and, most importantly, don't let us down. Go."

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now