Joshua Kingsley

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I held tightly onto Hope as she cried. I hated it when my wife cried. She's been so strong over the years. Now that asshole prick is due to be released. We all knew this day would come, but yet we had hoped that they would never let him out.

The sergeant had informed us that Scar would be released in exactly six months now. Carly was sixteen and he had asked to see her. We hadn't told her that part just everything else she needed to know why she hadn't grown up knowing her father.

She had never called me dad though I had told her to call me what she felt comfortable with, but it still hurt when she called me Josh instead of dad. I'd been there since she had come into this world. I'd helped hope bring her up and she couldn't even call me dad. I knew I wasn't her real dad but I was the closest thing she'd ever get to a real dad. It got me angry sometimes but I had to let it slip so I wouldn't cause any arguments.

Hope had some well for herself once we had moved again. She was working with kids who had a not so fortunate family life and those who had been bullied through their entire school life. I was so proud of her she was doing something she truly believed in. Jax had followed her into it with open arms; they were both owners of high spirits.

Over the years it grew and grew until there were at least four in every town and city. Most of those that had watched Hope turn into the woman she is today. Seth, bulldog and Dom had con forward to offer their services and after a very long chat shd agreed to them being part of the team.

Caleb helped out where he could due to his injuries he was in a wheel chair but with Connie and Autumn's help he was able to gey mist of his upper body strength back and hf was now working kn his lower bosh strength. I still can't believe that scar took Caleb's ability to walk away from him. Caleb's anger had grown over the years all he wanted tk sk was pud Scar in a grave for everything he had taken away from him. Aiden was there one true blessing as he was unable to have anymore children due to the shooting. Caleb chooses not to speak about it and to be honest I I don't blame him after Hope and I was told that Hope was unable to conceive after the problems she had encountered during Kadens birth. We both agreed to her having her ovaries tied. I offered to have the snip but she refused. We were just lucky to have the children we have.

Kaden is a real handful. He and Carly faught like cat and dog until he turned eleven and started showing signs of puberty hitting him hard and fast.

That's when we decided to send him to an all boys private school as we started seeing the changes in him and his actions towards his older sister. He unfortunately had no idea hid to control some of these new feelings so if was best for him to go through puberty with peers his own age and hopefully once gd gad gone through his hormonal stage his actions towards his sister would be long forgotten and he'd see it was just had hormones messing with him.

Carly had gotten closer to Aiden over the past year. None of us had a problem with it because we all knew Aiden would always care for her and never hurt her and if he did he'd not only have his parents to answer to but us to.

Well there's the story of our messed up life. Oh yeah, our parents divorced five years ago. They thought it was best as they had fallen out of love with one another.

They both tried to contact us over the past five years to reconnect with us and see their grandkids.

We denied them the pleasure after they practically told us we weren't their children and would never accept our relationship or any children we decided to have.

They tried for six months before giving up and we haven't heard from them since.

Hope and I both know that won't be the case with Scar hell just try and involve himself with Carly to push her away from us. I find one will never let that happen.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now