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Great another fuckin run away. Something else I've got to sort out. I closed the door of my office and headed towards the main building. No doubt I would find Carly and her brother there. I had been made aware of his presence by the gate guard and their parents on the blower asking me if I saw him to send him straight home so that he could deal with his restlessness. I told them I would but I also wanted to know why he had travelled all this way in the first place.

We all knew of her brother Kaden. He was a year younger than her and attended a private school. They are now on their summer holidays and he had snuck out of the house for reasons his mother didn't want to tell me, but I was sure as hell was going to get it out of the both of them one way or another.

I strolled across the forecourt and spotted not only early and her brother Kaden but Tyler and Bulldog Jr with them talking and laughing. Great they've already become all pally with him now I'm goin* to have to be the bad guy in this.

They looked up and saluted. I returned the salute. "As you were."


I looked at Carly and Karen. She did a mock salute. She was going to be in so much trouble after he'd been sent home.

"As you are aware that there is a no-visitor agreement unless they have booked in advance. So why is it I find a visitor on my grounds I knew nothing about until a few moments ago. I do not appreciate intruders in my camp."

Kaden stepped forward. Looking directly into my eyes I must say I'm impressed most kids his age think I'm one scary dude. "Sorry Sergeant Major, but it's my fault."

Damn, I'm impressed even Carly didn't use my rank the first day in fact she was disrespectful in all ways possible. Was he just sucking up to me to stay? Mmm, interesting.

"I wanted to spend my holidays with my sis. I never get to see her. Well, hardly ever. I saw her Christmas and new year. And here once. You see our parents don't like us spending a lot of time together cause they think we don't like each other and will fight too much if we do."

I looked at Carly. "Is this true Carly?"

She nodded. "It's true, Sarg."

"Do you have some kind of sibling rivalry going on?"

"No Sarg. It's just what our parents think. We get on pretty well better than most brothers and sisters our age. We'd save each other's asses if we had to."

"True word," he said.

"So you want to spend some time here with Carly."

"Yes sir."

I nodded. "I don't know about that. I don't want to be in between your family squabbles."

"I won't be a bother sor, you won't even notice I'm here."

"He even said that he would train with us and the other campers during the summer."

I looked at Bulldog Jr. This was something typical of something he would pull. "You've already got this all worked out, haven't you?"

"Yes, Sarg, we discussed it in length before you approached us."

I sighed. "Fine. I'll see what I can do."

They all smiled. "Thanks, sir. I appreciate it. Carly and I barely spend time together with me heading into my last year at school and her going into college. I would like to spend one last summer with her."

"I'll see what I can do but I'm making no promises."

He smiled happily and early mouthed a thank you. We weren't out of the woods yet and she knew it. I had to deal with their parents and tell them that Kaden would be spending the holidays at the camp training.

My head felt like it had been hit with a baseball bat several times. I took some paracetamol and headed out of the office and to the lake where everyone was chatting. They stood up and saluted. "I have some news concerning Kaden's request to be here."

"Great our oldsmrent going to let me stay." he grumbled, his face down pouting.

"Your parents have agreed to let you stay."

They threw their arms around each other hugging and smiling.


They looked at me fearful of what I was going to say.

"Your parents agreed on one condition that Karen is to return home after spending five weeks here and the remaining week he has to return home to spend time with them."

"Yes yes anything as long as I get to spend time with Carly."

I smiled. "Good. I'll let your parents know."

Carly came up to me and hugged me kissing my cheek. "Thank you."

"My pleasure." I smiled as she pulled away from the hug, still smiling. "I'll see you all in the cafeteria for the welcoming supper."

"You will and thanks again."

"Thanks sir."

"It's Sergeant Holingway while you are here. Or Casapien when I'm not in uniform.

"Which is never," Carly whispered.

"I heard that."

She looked at me smiling sarcastically. I shook my head and bid them all goodbye.


"Well that's a first, he's usually a sticker for rules." Bulldog Jr did.

"He loves me." I retorted.

He rolled his eyes.

"Come on, we best show Kaden around the camp and show him to his hut."

"Can't I sleep in the same one as Carls?"

"Sorry dude, strictly no males in female huts."

"I'm sure no one will notice."

"Casapien will trust us."

"But he loves me." I whined.

"He doesn't love you that much, Carls, and before you ask. Neither do we, not enough to get in shot that is."


"It's okay Carly poo. I understand."

Cut my eyes. "I know kaden poo bit it was worth a try."

He laughed.

We all showed Kaden around and he was more excited about this place than I was when I first came here. Kaden has more of an athletic streak than me. He'll see this as warming up.

Once we were done we showed Kaden to his hut which he would be sharing with another member of the camp. We headed to the great cafeteria for the welcoming supper where Caspien introduced himself and the other soldiers here before introducing the other staff. Then he introduces the new campers including Kaden and twenty others.

Ince we had eaten supper we went down to the lake and caught up with everything before we went to our separate huts and hit the hay.

Everything went a blur for the next four weeks I had hardly had time to piss let alone talk to Kaden until late at night when he told me all about his day.


Brutal was the only name I could think of for this camp. Their exercise regime was tougher than mine and stretched you past your boundaries and further. I was training with Carly's friends Bulldog Jr and Kyler. And fuck they were pushing me harder than I had ever been pushed. I think they were taking the piss a little too much. They mentioned several times how Carly had beaten Bulldog Jr on his time with the assault course and I had made it my goal to best both of their times to prove I was as good or better than the both of them. When we were finally finished for the day Carly had met us and asked how it was I only had one word for her: brutal.

She laughed and said now knew how she had felt when she came here and was trained by the two guys who were laughing as well. Fuckers. I can't believe they found it funny.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now