Sperm Donor

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We ate supper in silence. I know Carly was curious to know why I hated my father whom I chose to call a sperm donor. That's all he'll ever be to me after how he made me feel growing up he never gave two shots about me or mom just the damn army and that fuckin camp.

Carly had no idea what a manipulating mother fucker he truly was. He deserved everything he got. They should've left him in jail and thrown away the key. They should've let him sit in there. I seethed as I continued to eat angrily chewing my food wanting to choke him for even entertaining the thought he could come back into our lives and disrupt them. Especially, Carly, she's heading to big things if she works hard in college and this counselling gig. I guess I'm keeping her from that too. But this has to be said before she heads off to camp where I'm guessing she would be right now if it weren't for me throwing everything up in the air.

She needs to know what a joke that sperm donor is. Then hopefully she'll understand that she has no need to confront the man who didn't give a shit about either of us.

She finished her food and took the last gulp of her juice. "Sit down for a while whilst I clean up."

"I can do that."

"Go and sit down Carly."

"Bossy pants."

I grinned and chuckled. "I won't be long, sit down on the sofa and I'll be back in a jiff."

She smiled and nodded, pulling herself up out of the chair and heading to the lounge whilst I gathered the plates, glasses and utensils and headed to the kitchen to wash them up before dying them and putting them away.

Once I did all that I headed into the lounge where Carly was slouching on the sofa. I shook my head and made my way over to her and sat down. She looked at me and smiled nervously.

"I know you don't know anything about our father but what your mom and Joshua have told you but I want you to hear my side of the story before you decide to see the guy I can only call our sperm donor."

She sighed. "Okay, I'm listening."

"Don't get me wrong he was a class act, a real father figure when he was around his sent buddies. But at home, it was a different Cameron Stevens altogether. I don't remember much of my early years with him. Mom had to fill in the gaps which there weren't many. He was an army corporal who was gone six months of the year. But when he was home he would live with us. He would go out drinking with his army buddies. They literally thought he was single and hadn't got a family. I think only a few of them knew he had a girl outside the barracks.

They must have thought he was living with his family and seeing Mom when he could. That was far from the truth.

Things began to change as I grew older he became more distant he stopped acting like the father had for the first couple of years he stopped playing with me he said I was too old for that stuff even though I was around six years old. What six-year-old didn't want to play with cars and trucks? I'll tell you. Not one. But he indicated I was too old for that crap. I should be outside riding a bike or playing with the kids in the street. But he never offered to help me ride a damn bike. I never learned until my mom met Caleb. He was a complete ashat he would rather reprimand me for what I did wrong instead of praising me for doing a good job." I said clenching my fists. Caleb had been the perfect father figure my own damn father wasn't.

"I rarely saw him. He was always too damn busy when he came back on leave he would barely acknowledge me and if he did he'd grunt and groan every time I tried to get his attention. And the; I finally got it. He was angry that I had disturbed him. He was my dad. All I wanted was for him to notice me and take some kind of interest in me. Oh, he did that alright. He took his belt to me and whipped me with it saying I should be seen and not heard. I had no idea what I had done wrong but everything I did seemed to be wrong in his eyes. I was walking on eggshells most days wondering when the next beating was going to happen. I hated him so much Carly, he told me never to tell Mom what was happening or it wouldn't be his belt the next time it would be his fist. I cried myself to sleep many nights and he said if I cried in front of him he'd beat me harder cause tears showed weakness and men didn't cry." I said, wiping my eyes. "I was six I was just a child and he couldn't even see that. I hated him so much Carly I kept so much shit away from my mom cause I was scared of him and what he would do to me. He was a monster, Carly. He didn't deserve the name, Dad. You've got to understand if you were there and you saw what he did you wouldn't want to know him either. He scared me for life Carly and there's no way I'll let him do to you way the did to me."

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin