The Hearing Day 3 Pt2

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I can't believe the shit that asshole come out with I would believe Liam over that sperm donor any fuckin day. Liam is no fuckin liar he has no need to lie those two prick on the other hand are so full of shit they can't see past it. I have barely slept the past two nights and feel like absolute shit this morning but I know I have to see this through till the very last day. I need to prove Liam's innocence. And that's what I'm doing today.

Everyone has done what they had to do before we left this morning in the jeep today Jonathan actually let Kyler drive let's hope we get there in one piece.

Well we got there through the arguments Jonathan is definitely not a backseat driver I have a fuckin migraine and Aiden looks like he's about to knock their heads together an£ tell them to grow the fuck up and stop arguing over petty things but we say nothing as we enter the court.

I take some paracetamol with water and we all sit down and wait until we are called in and the guys reassure me it will be fine.

I highly doubt it but here goes nothing. I swear in the bible just as all the others did and I begin to get questioned.

"Miss Evans, is it correct that on the 24th August 2023 you got your GCSE results From Klaydnen High?"

"Yes it is."

"And when you left you got into a black out car?"

"I did."

"And you thought it was safe to do that?"

"I did."

"Why would you ever think that was safe Miss Evans?"

"Because it was my brother."

"Liam Stevens?"


"And how did you know it was him, Miss Evans?"

"Because he opened the passenger door and was leaning over the dash."

"And what of it wasn't your brother and some pervert that had bad intentions?"

"Then I would've ran back into the school and told someone."

"I see." He says and pauses. He then continues, "What did Mr Stevens say?"

"Not a lot."

"What exactly was not a lot?"

"He told me to hop in and I did."

"Then what happened?"

"He drove away from the school."

"Did you have any idea what his agenda was?"

"To talk?"

"And did you?"

"Yes when we arrived where we were going?"

"And where was that?"

"A cabin in the woods."

"Did you feel threatened at any time?"


"Are you sure?"


"So you felt completely safe with Mr Stevens?""

"Yes. Why wouldn't I? He's my brother?"

"So you didn't think he had any Ill thoughts or you weren't concerned about his behaviour?"

"No he's my brother and I trust him one hundred percent. Ni ifs no buts."

"And did he talk to you about your father?"

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