Camp Holingway

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I'd finally gotten out of suspension and now was on my way to a place they call "Camp Holingway". Who ever thought to give it that name was so fucking dumb? It was either run by a dimwit or a guy with Hollingway as their last name. However, it was dumb. They had no imagination at all.

Me and my friends had all been split up so we wouldn't get into trouble. Yeah, right, like that's not going to happen. Once I found Evans, she'd live to regret the day she met me. I hope she's at this dumb camp so I can torture her. There are things I know about her precious boy toy, that will show her that he truly never gave a shit about her, that he's willing to parade around with the sluts in his year. Now she's out of the picture until we return to school. He can do as he pleases and I've got proof of him doing exactly just that.

She won't know what's hit her when I find her. They say karma is a bitch. They ain't half wrong. Once upon a time, I hoped we'd be good friends and tell each other our secrets, but that all came crashing down the day she went psycho on me. I had a crush on Carly since I began at that dump, but my friends thought she was weird, so I followed the moral code and bullied her just like they did, though it never felt right until the last time I had. I'd never seen her go full blown psycho before and I was damned it would ever happen again. Once I put my plan into place her whole fucking world would come crashing down. I hoped I would find some allies at this camp so she knew where exactly her place was in this world and that was beneath me, not physically but literally.

It took almost two damn hours to get to the camp. It was like looking at one of those creepy campsites you'd see in horror movies. Crooked posts and a plaque squinting and screeching, which seriously needed oiling.

Two well-groomed boys that looked around eighteen, maybe a little older, dressed in army getup and well-polished docs. I hope that they didn't expect me to look like them.

I grabbed my suitcase from the back of the car and said goodbye to my father, who wasn't particularly happy about the situation I had put myself in; he'd barely said two words to me the whole trip down until now. "Don't fuck this up Alijah, behave and do what they tell you to do."

"Whatever dad."

I looked at mom. We hugged, saying our goodbyes and I opened the car door, grabbing my shit and stepping out and closing it behind me. The two males looked at me. "Alijah McKenley."

"I am."

"I'm Lieutenant Martins and this is Lieutenant Donnington. We're here to welcome you to Camp Holingway."

I nodded.

My father's car pulled away. I waved. I now knew that I was truly alone with only these two to rely on.

"We'll show you to your quarters where you can drop your bag off and we'll go straight to Sergeant Holingway where he wishes to speak to you."

So this place was named after the Sergeant. How interesting. "Lead the way."

They both smirked and I followed them to my quarters which I was to share with three other boys my age. I dropped my bag on my bed. No one best not mess with my shit or they'll be trouble.

We walked across the dirt path, the dirt crunching under my trainers. I'm so glad I brought my shit ones with me.

We walked to a large building, well I say built. It was more like a bungalow of some kind. One of the guys knocked on the door. "Sarg, we've brought Alijah McKenley like you ordered."

"Bring him in, boys."

One of them opened the door while walking in. I followed behind them and the other closed the door "Sarg." They saluted him.

He saluted them back.

He looked at me up and down with a grin on his face. "So you're the great Alijah McKenley?"

"I wouldn't say that, but yeah I am."

His smirk grew wider. "It's an honour to finally meet a McKenley your father served in the RAF. It's right?"

"He did, but what's that got to do with me?"

"He knew Hope Evans, correct?"

"Kingsley, yeah, still does. Again, what's this got to do with me?"

"Carly Evans."

"Is she here?"

"Unfortunately not. But, she is over at the other campsite that's run by my uncle."

"I see."

"I understand you are here because of some rift you had with her?"

"It was more than a drift, but yes."

He smirked.

"Where exactly is this heading?"

"Well, you see Alijah. We're up against the other camp in a few weeks and she happens to be one of their top representatives and you, my dear boy, will be mine."

"What are you getting at? You want me to represent this shit hole and do what exactly?"

"I want you to compete against her, make sure that you're better than her and let us do the rest. I have my own reasons for meeting this girl."

"Fine as long as I'm kept in the loop and get my reasons for shunning her too."


He held his hand out, "Welcome to camp Holingway Alijah, or shithole as you call it."

I shook his hand. "So you are the owner of this place?"

"No, my father." He spat. I guess he has issues with his father, whatever. All I want is payback for what that little bitch had done to me.

"But it will be soon," he mumbled.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora