What was I thinking?

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Last night seemed like a dream. It was the first time that I and Alijah had spoken without throwing sarcastic comments at one another. He could be pretty decent if it wasn't for the jerks that he hung with.

They were all a bunch of pricks that had nothing better to do than ruin everyone's day and those that fell to their constant bullying and harassment ruined their school lives entirely. Me being one of them.

I tried so hard to avoid them it was difficult because they were like a plague slowly creeping up on you and making you suffer in the worst way possible.

Take today, for instance, I thought me and Alijah were finally coming to an understanding until he and his goons cornered me.

"Well, well look who we have here, boys. If it isn't the goth retard." They all laughed. God, I was so sick and tired of this shit this world is supposed to be a free country and you're free to express yourself the way you feel comfortable what bill shit.

I stared at them, cutting my eyes at them through my black hair. "Go to hell fuck face."

"Ooh look at that the goth freak has finally found her voice."

I sneered at them. I didn't need this shit right now. I was going to be late for class. So were they but they didn't care about grades and good attendance all they cared about was who their next target was.

"Cat got your tongue retard."

"I'm not a retard!"

"Ha, don't make me laugh, freak. You're in the dumb asses class. You can't even spell your name let alone add up to five."

They all sniggered including Alijah now I knew he was just pretending to care last night fucking asshole prick.

"Yet I have better grades than all of you put together, care to explain that dick head?"

He grunted, baling his hands. "You're going to wish you kept your trap shut freak!"

"You don't scare me."

His fist shot forward but he landed on the ground. "How dare you try and hit my girl you fucking prick!"

Oh, shit, Aiden was mad, no he was fuming maybe I should've warned them Aiden doesn't take lightly anyone picking on me.

I grabbed him. "Is okay Aiden, cool down. I'm fine, come one, let's get to our lessons. We don't both need to get in trouble."

"Sure babe, let's go, you're right, these pieces of shit ain't worth getting in trouble for."

He dropped his arm over and we began to walk away.

"So when's your dad out of prison Kingsley?"

I froze, how dare he bring up my father. He knew better.

"Are you going to make time for a murderer? I'm surprised your stepfather took you on knowing that you could end up like your father. A murderer!"

That was it. I turned and ran at him. Aiden shouted for me to stop my fist connected with his face and he fell to the floor and I kept punching him. How dare he compare me to that sperm donor. He didn't know that much, but everyone seemed to know his story. He was a psycho.

"Get the fuck off you psycho bitch! You're just like your father!"

My eyes turned black with anger. I couldn't hold back anymore I continued to punch him not caring if he ended up in intensive care until I was pulled off him looking into the eyes of whoever decided to pull me off Alijah fucking McKenley. How dare he say those things after the stuff we shared last night. I was wrong to ever trust that guy. I'll never put my trust in him ever again.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz