Swapping Teams

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Yet another day in the name of training.

We were all up at the crack of dawn looking like the dead. What would I do for a coffee right now? No make it a monster full of sugar. I need something that would wake me up fast. Is this how the army guys felt training? God, I felt so sorry for them if it was. I guess they're all used to the early mornings. One thing that came out of it: Charlie didn't seem to be as nervous as he had been when we'd first met, even if we weren't in the same team today, he was working hard.

I looked over at him and he smiled. He returned my smile and we got on with the rest of the day's training, which consisted of canoeing, rock climbing, zip wiring and team building.

Today had felt different, harder, though I was glad I wasn't in the same team as the girls I had with me before. These guys worked harder together like a proper team, as my Phys Ed instructor would always say "there is no I in team", and she was right. If these kids learned to work together and share their ideas, I'm sure everyone would respect them more.

After we'd all showered and relieved ourselves, we had supper around the campfire. It reminded me of the times mom would make Joshua take us camping. They were the best days of our lives out in the wilderness with Kaden. Although we fought like cat and dog, we were closer than most step-siblings. Most people didn't understand how close we were. We were like best friends, the ones you could trust with anything, even your deepest, darkest secret.

Kaden was the only one who knew apart from Aiden. I was still in touch with my half-brother Liam, who preferred to be called Forest, which was quite an unusual name, but being unique was what steered him away from everyone.

He hadn't got the best of friends and he was unstable, to say the very least, but he understood me as our father had no time for either of us. That was until now and now I know the reason why I never knew him and I wish I hadn't.

Liam /Forest hadn't seen or heard from our father since he was five, when he got sent to jail for a shit load of offences. He got sixteen long years and he was out sometime this year and there was no way in hell I wanted to listen to his bullshit. I'd heard too much of the bad stuff from mom and Josh; they'd both given me the choice of whether or not I wanted to see him when he was released. I'm sure if Liam knows his plans he'll have a lot to say.

He's become very bitter over the years and never once had he blamed me and mom for his father's choices. Aunt Connie had explained everything to him as much as a five-year-old could understand. But once he turned sixteen and had gotten into the wrong crowd and made the wrong decisions, he ended up in prison.

We're still in contact and I know he is being released in July and wants to meet up before he heads home to see his mom and younger brother. He and Aiden are close. Though they are step-siblings. He is the older brother anyone would wish for because he's very protective.

I can't wait to see him again, being behind bars has its restrictions and, as I haven't long turned sixteen. I haven't been allowed to see him.

Once we all sat around the campfire with our grilled burgers and lemonade, everyone seemed more relaxed.

"Well, we've finally come to the end of your training. You'll be glad to know we are very proud of you all. The names I say are the ones who have shown us that they can not only work alongside others, no matter whether they have changed groups or worked in a two-person group. Those people have also made good team leaders as well, so congratulations to those who haven't made it better luck in the summer."

Kyler reeled off the names in alphabetical order, and Charley and I looked at each other smiling. I hoped we'd get picked to be on the same team.

"We will all be meeting at the vantage point in between the two camps at eight hundred hours on Saturday morning, so be up showered and ready for the three-day competition.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now