Pleasantries and a 6am wake up call

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We all entered the dining hall where everyone was sitting eating. There were around ten army veterans and twenty to thirty cadets. They all turned to look at us as Kyler and Bulldog junior's heavy boots thudded across the laminate flooring, their arms still hanging lazily over my shoulders. The girls stare dreamily at them then shoot me daggers. What the hell? Like I give two shits.

They can glare like that all day long. It doesn't affect me in any way. I have it every day at school being Aiden's girlfriend.

They think I'm not good enough for him and that he can do better. I'm sure he can but he assures me that I'm the one he wants.

"Come in Carls, let's grab something to eat. Ignore them, they're just jealous because you're new and we're assigned to you and not them."

I nodded, following them grabbed a tray filling it with food and a drink we all sat down.

"Good evening everyone, I hope you are all enjoying your time here. But don't enjoy it too much. You're here to learn how to control your anger and fight back against your bullies without using any aggression."

Easier said than done.

"We have a recruit with us today. Carly Evans. Please make her feel welcome. If I hear any of you bad-mouthing her you will have me to answer too. Understand?"

A chorus of yeses strung across the dining hall, but I doubt they would even listen to what he had to say. They all had their own hidden agenda when it came to me. Any guesses then all knew exactly who my father was and I would be targeted for that alone.

Bring it in bitches cause I'll be ready for every one of you. If I can deal with Alijah daily I could deal with these bitches.

"That's it, everyone. Enjoy your remaining and remember lights out at ten pm. We begin at six am." He said stepping down.

Well damn, there goes my lye in. But I couldn't wait to try that assault course. I had been in one of those bringing yourself out retreats that had all of those things, but this place looked way better.

"Hope you're ready for tomorrow Carl's. It's going to be a long day "

"We're going to have so much fun, tomorrow angel."

I'm sure you are, watching me suffer. I thought.

We ate our supper and then both walked me back to my cabin. "We'll be here for time bright and early Carl's."

"Can't wait."

"I bet you can't. Sleep well angel."

I just smiled. They had no idea I had a big problem sleeping, especially in a place I don't know.

"Night angel."

"Night Nathan, Kyler."

"Nigh Carl's sweet dreams about yours truly."

I laughed, yeah whatever helps you sleep at night.

I stepped into my cabin and sighed. It's been a long day and I'm shattered. Let's hope I can sleep.



Banging on the cabin door startled me. I'd barely slept the night before. I was all psyched up for today. My mobile had very little or no connection here. There was no WiFi, understandably. I sent my parents a quick text to tell them that I had arrived safe and the place looked awesome. I hoped and prayed they'd get it. Though they probably were already aware that I had seen as the commanding officer was my headteacher's brother. Who would've known! I thought sarcastically.

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