Disappointed Pt 2

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We all headed out to the jeep and got in after informing the other commanding officers to keep an eye on the campers before we headed to the woods on camp Hollingway.

We searched the woods for hours to see if there were any clues as to what had happened yesterday at the games. Though finding anything would be slim because of the rain that poured down sometime after we had arrived back at the camp late, last, nigh5 after the fiasco, we had to take that chance.

"Hey Sarg, come and take a look over here."

I headed to where Kyle was standing Jonathan followed suit. "There." he pointed at the ground. There were two holes but one had a directional arrowhead in it and the other was vacant. Interesting. We'd seen it before and dismissed it. We couldn't this time. It was not a prank as it had been in the past because there were other arrows, leading back to the track and the end of the final game.

"They exchanged pointers. Someone must've put the right one back after Carly turned down here and took the other one with them."

"Only one way to find out, let's follow the track and see where it leads."

They both nodded eagerly. And followed me across the uneven muddy terrain that sloshed and splattered up our boots.

"Hey there's boot treads, it looks like three people came through here."

They nodded and we continued.

"Shit there's only two sets of boot treads now, fuck."

"Do you think they hauled Carly over, their shoulders, from here?"

"It's a possibility if they thought that she was taking too long or she's worked out what was happening and they thought they'd use something to shut her up and carry her the remainder of the way."

I nodded god I hoped Kyle was wrong or they would all be in deep shit and he would be sent to serve in the army for God knows how long until he grew the fuck up and learned to respect not only his officers but those around him. The army is no laughing matter. I found that out and Ethan's lack of respect for anyone who he thinks is beneath him is a disgrace.

We continued following the uneven muddy pathway and the boot tredges until we came to the run-down cabin that looked like it needed tearing down and now even more than before with no door on its hinges. "I guess one of you did that?"

"I did Sarg." Bulldog Jr said, with no remorse in his voice.

I nodded.

"We had no choice, Sarg, it was that or nothing, and getting Carly out of there was paramount."

"I agree. I'd like to take a look inside."

"Are you sure Sarg? It's..."

"I'm positive."

They both looked at each other and nodded. "This way, Sarg."

I nodded following them toward the rundown cabin. I followed them while looking around. I was shabby and full of old metal bed frames and rotted wooden bedside cabinets. As I looked around I noticed something out of place. A chair in the center of the room, what were they doing in here? An integration?

My eyes dropped to the door where the ropes were playing in a heap, my heart lodged into my throat, and I clenched my hands into fists and ground my teeth together. What the fucking hell had gone on in here?

"What the hell happened in here?"

"We tried to tell you, Sarg."

"Well tell me now, before I lose my shit."

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now