Always There For You

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It felt good to see Aiden again. I had missed him tremendously with everything that was going on. I was surprised it had taken him until now to show up. But, then again I'm not. His parents are probably worrying about what's about to happen to Liam and so am I. They had probably told Aiden to let me get settled where I was first and come to terms with what Liam had done and where he was going to end up for being so blatantly stupid.

I knew Aiden would be mad at me. I was mad at myself for being so naive and trustworthy towards a guy that I had practically grown up with.

Liam was the older brother anyone would wish to have; he was protective to a point he was overprotective. We understood each other and had a bond not even he and Aiden had or me or Kaden we understood each other. We would talk for hours when he wasn't being some dumb ass punk who thought the sun shone out of his friends asses unitl he found out it didn't and he ended up behind bars for their stupidity and his involvement.

People would blame his mom because his father wasn't on the scent but he had Caleb to send him on the right path, but still he took the law into his own hands on several occasions because of the shit our father had pulled. For not being there for making him feel unloved and unwanted by the one person he wanted that attention from. Caleb had tried so hard to make up for our fathers illegitimacy he even had changed his last name over to Caleb's when he and Connie had married. He had always called Caleb dad though he knew who his father was. A sperm donor. Unworthy of anything else he was unworthy of anyone's love especially liams and mine. I will never forgive him for this if Liam goes down he is already on my shit list he'll be on my never forgive list and the biggest digit list ever if Liam goes down for this.

I stood watching as Aiden disappeared along with Casapien. Two sets of arms come around my shoulders hugging me into them. I know who it is instantly; Nathan and Kyler. They're the only other people I have ever felt close to apart from my family, well those who chose to listen to what I have to say and express myself. They're the brothers I wish I had. Kaden was always away at school and he would be home now until summer break was over. I'm surprised that he hasn't bugged our parents to bring him here. Then again I'm surprised our parents have had him back over summer as I'm usually at home. They prefer to keep us apart, why we don't know, we're just normal siblings who bicker and fight like normal teenagers. Kaden and I have grown closer over the past few years since he was put into a boarding school. He has friends there but for some unknown reason he prefers to hang out with me during holidays. Maybe it's cause he likes to torment and mock me and vice versa.

"It's okay Carls we're always here for you."

"I know thank you."

"Our pleasure."

Casapian strode over to us with a grim look on his face. When had he returned? Had I zoned out for that long I hadn't seen him come back and that he didn't look happy at all.

He looked at me and I froze fuck what had I done? Why was he looking at me as if I was going to get scolded or worse, something bad had happened. Jonathan and Kyler looked up at an angry Caspian and their smiles faded away. "Everything okay Sarg?"

"Can I have a word with Carly?"

"Whatever you have to say to her you can say in front of us."

He stared at me questionably.

"It's fine whatever you have to say you can say in front of them. We have no secrets." True.

They both nodded in agreement.

I smiled. The only other person right now that I wanted here was Kaden, my nemesis, my partner in crime. He meant everything to me more than Aiden. My younger brother who always found a way of winding me up and making me feel better. Shit I had forgotten to tell him I wouldn't be home when he returned from school. Well I should've for a couple of days anyway before I came here for the summer. But it ahead all gone to shots when Liam had shown up.


I couldn't believe this shit for the life of me. My step brother from another mother had kidnapped my sister and hijacked our moms old hut not far from the camp that Carly was due to go back to no fucker had told me that I wouldn't see her over the holidays.but here I was listening to the bullshit spewing out of my parents mouths. Telling me that Carly poo had told them all about it before she had sat her exams so why the fuck was I not informed? Was I not important enough to be told? Carls would've wanted me to know but had probably forgotten with all the excitement and the headaches from studying hours on end for exams that would secure her a place in college something I already knew about. The last thing they said before I went to bed pissed was, "Don't make any rash decision Kaden you are not to go after your sister. She's in safe hands and where she wants to be."

"Yeah yeah."

"We mean it, Kaden Kinglsey."

Fuck they used my full m name which meant only one thing if I defied them there was goign to be trouble. "Don't worry mom, dad. I wasn't going to do anything dumb." Bullshit.

"Good we'll see you in the morning."

Even though they wouldn't, I replied. "Night, see you in the morning."

"Night Kaden."

I hummed and made my way up to my room leaping up two steps at a time. I wasn't listening to them. I had money saved and no one and I mean no one was going to stop me seeing my sister I would f see her until Christmas if I didn't do this now and that was a definite no no Aiden had already seen her and he would see her come September where's the moral in that one can do it and one can't what utter bullshite. I'm going to see my Carly poo with or without their permission.

I slammed the door closed letting them know I was angry. I pulled out my backpack one I had used to go camping a year ago with the school I was so damn glad of that week. I learnt a lot on how to survive in the woods. I might need those lessons to help me out now, maybe I can go to that hut of moms to stay whilst I visit Carly poo. I stuffed everything I needed into the backpack, clothes, toothbrush, toothpaste, toiletries, clothes, underwear and socks. I even shoved snacks in there so I would get food on the way. I had to make it look like I was going to bed. So that's what I did.

A knock came to my door a few hours later. "Goodnight Kaden."


"We know you want to see your sister, but now isn't a good time. You can see her at Christmas."

"Sure dad." Whatever.

"Night sweetie."

"Night mom."

I heard their footsteps fade away down the hall. Now all I had to do was wait until it was around one am to slip out unnoticed. They'd kept me away from Carly since I went to that Damn school. I would be damned if they kept me away from her now.

The fuck would I I didn't care right now if the shit was about to hit the fan I was going to see my sister and that was that.

I lay in silence, the clock ticking down slowly until the hands finally struck one and I slid out of bed sliding my feet into my trainers and lacing them grabbing my wallet with my dosh in it. I tiptoed over to the window and opened it. I slid out and closed it. I steadied myself in the kitchen roof and made my way slowly and steadily to the edge grabbing onto the drain pipe hoping it would take my weight as I slowly descended down it. Lucky for me it had, my trainers hit the ground silently and I was gone.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now