WE NEED YOU! Conflicting feelings Pt 2

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I hate my father. I've never hated someone as much as I hated him right now. It isn't the first time I've been on the receiving end of a backhander. Though on several arguments a back hander has escalated to full blown punches but I give as good as I get.

It all began when I was sixteen he knew then I was old enough to fight back and fight back I did every time he'd spew shit about my mother and how embarrassed he was with her and me. Of course I always took the brunt of it sticking up for my mother. She should have left him years ago. She was either too scared or foolish. I think she was both. She knew she wouldn't last long without the money he had coming in from the army. She had a job but it didn't pay as much as his career did.

He made I'm an sure I joined the army when I was done with school so I could learn a Military Occupational Specialty; MOS for short and to respect the older generation yeah right if they were all assholes like him is rather not.

But as luck had it I had a decent sergeant major who believed in me and pushed me to my limits and I'm glad he did three years on and I was a sergeant. But I had to screw that up because of my vendetta against Carly Evans.

It wasn't her fault I was aiming all my anger on her cause my father belittled my mother at every chance he got making sure she knew she'd never be like Hope Evans. Now Kingsley. She'd made her choice and according to my father, it wasn't a good one. He made sure we knew we were the second choice every fuckin day he was around.

I hated him and I hated Hope Evans for destroying my family and my mother's sanity. I hated Carly for being her daughter. Now I can say I fucked up. She was nothing like I had expected. She was a fiery sixteen-year-old girl who'd hadmshit thrown at her for who she was and who her father was. I could relate to that more than she assumed I could. I came to realise it was her fault my father shared me and my mother it was his. Carly didn't know shit about my problems and my father's obsession with her mother.

Her mother seemed decent enough even if she had stuck up for my father. She had no idea what he truly felt about her until supper. One I wish I wasn't dragged to even though I was looking forward to seeing Carly again, I wasn't looking forward to the evening's outcome and I was right not to.

Carly is a Spitfire with a big heart no one has ever stuck up for me before as she had. My friends knew the score with my parents and what a dick head my father was. They'd tited to intervene before but my father could be one scary son of a bitch when he wanted to be. But seeing him cowering at a sixteen-year-old girl was something I had never seen before. Is that why he had admired her mother so much because of her friends and confidence?

My heart fluttered. I wasn't sure of these newfound feelings. One thing I did know is I liked Carly Evans and I would come back in a few years and tell her my feelings. I can't explain them right now but in time I might be able to work them out. She was a badass and I admired her ballsiness in front of my father. No one has ever put him in his place before, not until Carly Evans had.

Tomorrow is my last day to talk about the army and why people should sign up. It was all my fathers idea to prove to him I'm worth being a part of my team and I'm worthy of gaining my rank back. But I seriously doubt he will ever see me worthy of shit in his eyes, one could only hope.


I had barely slept after Ethan and his father left. Josh had knocked on my door when he had returned from work. "Honey, can I come in so we can have a chat?"

I knew that a chat meant mom had told him what went down at supper and was too scared to talk to me herself so she confided in Josh and left him to deal with me as per.

"It's open." I mumbled.

The door screened open and he stepped in closing the door he sat on the edge of the bed. "Your mom told me about what happened at supper tonight."

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now