2 weeks later

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I've been here, which seems like forever, when in fact it's only been two weeks.

I've had so much fun being here learning to control myself and beating Bulldog Jr. Over and over again with every assault course that they have both thrown at me.

Curtis has helped me a great deal with self-preservation and to find my inner self and come to peace with it.

These three guys are not only amazing friends, but trainers too. It's got me thinking about what I want my future to become, but first I have to complete the next two weeks here, becoming stronger and becoming a better version of myself.

The one thing I'm truly not looking forward to is this competition with the other camp. I've heard a lot about it and what I've heard isn't all good. The guy who is above most of the new campers isn't the nicest in the bunch and is a manipulative asshole who cheats to get what he wants.

He sounds an awful lot like Alijah. He had me fooled. I thought we'd clicked that night and gained a better understanding of each other. Guess looks and personality can be clouded when the person loses that little respect that you were gaining for them. It was clear that his friends were more important to please than earning my respect.

But I guess guys like Alijah will always be that asshole bully until someone finally puts them in their place.

Guess he'll find out the hard way that not everyone will be down to him and cower in front of him and see him for the asshole he truly is.

I'm not looking forward to seeing him again. I just hope he hasn't been sent to the other camp, or we'll be in shit and something bad is going to happen.

The soft knock on my door brings me out of my thoughts."Carly, it's me, Curtis. Can I come in?"

"Sure. The doors opened.

The door creaks, opening. Curtis steps in all of his glory. He's wearing his army attire. The stripes on his shoulder badge show what rank he's at. He smiles. " I know it's late, but I got the short straw."

I tapped the chair next to my bed. "Take a seat, it can't be that bad."

"Oh, believe me, it can." He said, sitting down.

"So what's so bad you had to deal with the short straw?" I questioned, my eyebrows raised.

"Look, Carls. There's no easy way to say this, but Sergeant Holingway wants you to represent us along with a few other campers that have made "the cut". He's pleased with everything that you've done so far. He's impressed at all your times on the assault course and how quickly you picked everything up. He's extremely pleased with how quickly the tour engaged with the other campers considering your reports from your headmaster and would like you to lead our team to victory and wipe that cocky smile off Ethan Hollingway's face. He needs to be brought down a peg or two. Are you willing to be the one to do that?"

Was I? I had no idea. I'd heard nothing but bad things about this guy. I was going to be the one to bring him down. Would he hate me for taking his little little. He already hates me and this would tip the iceberg.

Could I make him angrier with me than he already was?"

Fuck it.

"Sure I'm in." My mouth moved quicker to answer than I could think.

He smiled widely at me. He lunged forward, hugging me tightly. "I knew you wouldn't let us down. The guys thought I was crazy and I was going into the lion's den and you'd have my balls for breakfast." He laughed.

"Go before I change my mind."

He looked at me. "Well, we are all training for the next week, so we're ready for them. They're sneaky little bastards."

"We can be sneaky too."

"I have no doubt you will. Thanks again, Carls. I'll let the guys know. I can't wait to see their faces." He laughed. "Good night, Carls."

"Night Curtis."

With that, he left my room and closed the door. I sighed. I was to regret my decision. What the hell had I got myself into?

Ethan Hollingway

I sat in my chair in the late afternoon. We'd been training all morning. All the campers were training ready for the tournament between us and the other camp in two weeks. They were a good bunch of kids but we needed someone more passionate about winning. Someone who was prepared to do anything to win, even if it meant cheating to get.

"Ethan, we've just got the lineup who we'll be up against in the next two weeks."

"Sure come in, Martins."

I grinned widely. There was one person on that list I hoped would have on it. One person I would show no mercy to and have them grovelling.

Martins entered my office, closing the door, grinning widely. "You'll be pleasantly surprised to see who is on the list, Sarg." He said, handing me the sheet of paper with the list of candidates on it.

I took it off him and scanned through it. Most of these kids had good ability but were no competition for our guys. Then I saw her name:Carly Evans.

I grind widely and my prayers have been answered. Revenge was calling. She was mine to take down, break down and make her wish she was never born.

"I thought you'd be pleased."

"Oh, I am."

"Don't forget we have new campers. The weekend one, in particular, stood out."

"And which one would that be?"

He grinned wider. He was one of the few I had trusted with the secret; my revenge on Carly Evans was necessary.

"Alijah McKenley."

"And why do you think he will be perfect?"

His grin grew wider. "Because they are from the same school and she's the reason he will be here."

I grinned evilly. This would be the perfect opportunity to get my revenge on her and maybe let him into action too. Martins always kept me up to date about who was coming and going around here, as I could be bothered, but this one, this one was interesting. This one I had to meet. "When he arrives I want him in my office, understand?"

"Yes Sarg, loud and clear."

"Perfect Martins dismissed."

"Sarg." He said, snapping his heels and saluting me.

I saluted him back.

He swiftly turned around and strode out like a true soldier.

Martins and I were the first here when it opened its doors seven years ago, as our fathers had decided to ship us here to give us discipline and gain respect for others.

I worked hard to give my father what he wanted and more. But, in the end, he would appreciate what I did to gain his love and respect. In the end, I realised I would never get it either, so I showed none back and the importance of my revenge grew stronger. This McKenley kid coming here may just work to my advantage. We both have the same passion, the hate towards one girl who happened to be at the other camp. Maybe we can team up and take her down together.

I grinned evilly. What a plan now? All I needed to do was get him on board with my plans. I'm sure he'd comply knowing who it was.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now