I'm leaving

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I smiled as I walked across the campsite. Today was better than the last. Hopefully there were more good days to come. I was doing three days a week here and two at college but with all the shit going on I hadn't been in college yet they had let me stay on here until tomorrow. Then I would have to catch up with my college work. I spotted Caspian walking my way. I wanted to ignore him and head the other way. "Miss Evans I would like a word. In my office."

"Yes Sergeant Hollingway." I swallowed hard and met him halfway. We headed toward his office. "I noticed that you weren't at breakfast this morning?"

"I couldn't face it."

He nodded. "Have you eaten?"

"I have."


He opened the door to his office and we headed inside. I gulped as he closed the door. "I understand you have to go back to college tomorrow and for the next week to catch up?"

"Yes Sergeant Holingway."

He nods as we walk further into his office. "I would like to talk to you Miss Evans. It has come to my attention that you feel nervous in my company."


"Don't lie to me Miss Evans I hate liars."

"No, I don't Sergant Holoingway."

"And why haven't you come to me with this issue before?"

"Cause there wasn't an issue with it before Sergant Holoingway."

"And when did this start Miss Evans?"

"When the sperm donor got arrested. It felt weird for you to try and comfort me you never had before."

"So I should stop caring, is that it?"

"No, it just felt weird. And yesterday it felt even weirder."

"How so Miss Evans?"

"You were acting weird Casapian. You weren't acting your normal self."

"I see."

"Can I ask you something Casapian?"

"Fire away Miss Evans?"

"What changed between you and me?"

"What are you talking about, Miss Evans nothing has changed."

"You've changed Casapian. You never showed an interest in me before. Why now?"

He took a step closer to me and I backed away, my back hitting the wall I cursed silently for that damn wall being in my way of escape. "I've been asking myself the same thing. Why now, why you of all people? I don't have an answer to that, Carls, but I do know one thing: you're the only girl I have liked in over ten years. All I want is a chance to prove I'm a good fit for you."

"I have someone Cas."

"And boys come and go, I'll always be a constant in your life." He edged forward.

"No Cas. This isn't right, you're my boss. We can't not now, not ever."

"Yes we can Carls." He said closing the gap between us. He guided his hand down my face, making me nervous. "You don't need a boy, Carls, you need a man."

I went to protest and his lips pressed on mine, suffocating me he bit my lip and I gasped in pain he shoved his tongue in my head and was hazy and my eyes blurry he moved closer grinding his manhood into me. What the hell was going on, this wasn't the Casapian I knew. I acted before thinking of the consequences and brought my knee up and he came crashing down and I was gone so fast out of that office he wouldn't have a chance to run after me he'd be still on his knees. Tears flooding my vision I needed to get out of here and fast fuck the rest of the day I still had the day thst had started of so well had turned into a complete disaster.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now