Dinner at the Kingsleys

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I can't believe my mom has invited the McKinleys of all people. I had to put up with Alijah.

Yes, I and mom had a conversation about the McKinleys' we know all about the great River McKenley, mom's ex-boyfriend and my father's bully-like father-like stepdaughter aye? What they didn't know was Alijah McKenley. His father was part of the RAF until a few years back when he suffered from PTSD, like my uncle.

I can't believe I have to sit through supper with that arrogant jerk. He's forever tormenting me at school. So do his so-called friends. But he is worse, way worse I just wish he would crawl under a brick and die.

I know it sounds a little harsh but no one knows what it's like to be by day in and day out being tormented by him. I give as good as I get but the jerk still forint give up nor does he take the hang to stay the fuck away from me. Now I not only have to share supper with him. But, mom has insisted that I accompany him while "the ground-ups talk" Yeah right as if.

The doorbell environment and my mother got it well here goes I guess.

There was loud chatter as they asked through and the front door closing can't wait yippee.

"This is my eldest Carly she's the kid in my of our two children here right now her brother is at a private school he had to leave before the term began."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Carly, your mom has told us all about you."

I smiled. It's nice to keep you too. Mr and Mrs McKenley. "

"Nonsense the pleasures all ours and calm you Amber and River." She smiled sweetly. I wondered how someone skilled sweetly as she ended up with an asshole of a son like Alijah?

"And this is my husband River McKenley."

"Good to finally meet you, you look just like your mom."

I smiled. "Well, that's s going thing."

He smiled. I'm not sure if they knew about my father or not. But I wasn't willing to share.

"And this is my son Alijah. I believe you go to the same school."

He stepped forward grinning. Great, this is going to be fun. He stuck his hand out. "Hi, Carly."

I raised my eyebrow wondering what the hell he was up to. I looked after him and his grin grew wider. Oh, I get it, he's trying to make himself look good in front of his parents. I guess I should go with you flo to not make us both look stupid in the process.


I've never sucked up so much, my parents don't know the history between us so I thought I'd just play it nice for the night.

She finally grasped what I was suggesting and she pushed her hand out and into mine. Finally, the girl who is supposed to have an above-average IQ could sure act dumb sometimes.

I wrapped my hand around hers it was like shocks of electricity going through my body, damn this wasn't good. My parents don't need to know I'm attracted to this girl, and neither does she. Not for me now anyway. "Hey, Elijah." She smiled, fakely.

I knew that she hated me cause of what I and my friends are like toward her. I leaned in talking into her ear.

"Hey nerd for your sake I hope you behave tonight or there will be severe consequences."

"I'm not scared of you Alijah."

"Oh, you will be. I promise you that."


I moved away, studying her, she seemed unaffected by my words. She will be, believe me.

Her father came in and greeted everyone that she didn't know. I knew he wasn't her real father. Her real father was doing time for almost killing her mother's brother and friend. I overheard my dad talking to mom when they thought I was in my room.

They were talking a few days back about him being released. I would make sure she was safe and as far away from him as possible even if it meant my parents being angry at me for the rest of my life.

"Supper is ready."


We all went into the dining room sitting down for a roast supper. Which wasn't half bad.

The supper was really good until the olds decided that Carly should keep me entertained whilst they talked. She went rigid and gritted her teeth. O oh was she going to disobey her parents. Her parents gave her a stern look and she sighed. "Come on, let's go."

I smiled widely. I'd get to spend time with my angel. We pulled ourselves up off the chairs and headed into the lounge sitting on the large sofa. I looked at her. "So where is your brother?"

"Mom already said, school."

"Why isn't he at our School?"

She shrugged. "They thought it was better that he went there to learn, fewer distractions. He doesn't like school, at all. Our parents thought it was a better idea for him to go somewhere he would learn or so they say?"

I nodded. "So, they are just using it as an excuse to not steer him onto the wrong path?"

"Yeah, I guess."

I smiled. This is the most I've ever spoken to her without her telling me to do one. That was pretty much how the evening went. We talked nonstop. I had no idea we had fallen asleep until my mom shook me awake and told me it was time to go.

I slowly placed her head gently on the sofa getting up. I thanked the Kingnleys for supper before we left to go home. I must say this was the best supper I've ever had. I just hope things change between now and I like her.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now