Kaden Kingsley

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I couldn't believe the bombshell that my dad had just dropped. What the freaking hell? I knew very little about Carly's father. What I did know was he was a complete asshole douchebag that caused my mom and auntie Connie nothing but stress. They'd b9th fallen for the manipulative prick and he'd cheated on them with multiple other girls. He'd been in prison for sixteen years and until today neither of us knew why he was a psychopath, a fruit short of a cake. I watched as she ran up the stairs. My mom was crying hysterically and my father was trying to comfort her. Geeze ,this must be hard on them too. He'd ruined my mom's life he'd almost killed,my uncle Jax and Caleb he'd got the full brunt of it as if being unable to fight again wasn't enough he's taken his legs away from him too. We've grown up seeing Caleb struggle to walk and not be able to do what he enjoyed the most when he couldn't fight anymore, to teach teenagers what he knew to train them to be the best. Connie never once left his side; she was his true angel; she'd been through hell and back with him. Aiden was their only child so he couldn't have more. They had called Aiden the miracle child as he was an unexpected gift as Caleb was told he wouldn't be able to have children because of the nerve that the bullet had hit.

Connie had a son with the prick he was five years older than Carly and six years older than me and Aiden, I don't remember much about him all I knew he got sent down at sixteen after calebemand Connie did everything to keep him out of trounce he was a kindred spirit one in his own. Aiden still sends letters to him regularly updating him on everything that's happening around here. I understand he's due to be released soon. What fun!

"She hates me." Mom mom sobs out, bringing me back to reality.

'No she doesn't babe give her time, it's a lot to take in."

Aint that the truth it's a lot for both of us to take in.

'I should've told her earlier."

Not shit Sherlock! It's her birthday and you let the shit hit the fan and ruined the best day ever!

"She'll come round babe, she just needs time to swallow it all. To make sends of it all."

I'm done with this shit I'm going to see my sister.

"I'm going to see how Carly is doing."

"Leave her kaden, give her time."

"She'll talk to me, trust me, she always does."

Dad nodded, still comforting mom.

I leaned up the stairs and I knocked on her door. "Go away!"she sobbed, angrily.

"It's me, Kaden."

"Leave me alone Kaden. I'm not in the right place of mind right now."

Fuck it. "I'm coming in."

"No, leave me alone!"

I burst through the door and she was laying in the bed crying. I walked cautiously over to her. I knew here when she was angry she throws anything that was near her and someone and it at your head. I gently got on the bed laying beside her. "Want to talk about it?"

"No!" She sobs.

'It might help."

She scooted over to me laying on my chest hugging me close to her. I gulped and wrapped my arms around her. "Why me Kaden?"

"I don't know Carl's."

"Coulndt they have waited until after my birthday?"

"I wish they had."

"They totally ruined my day, the best day ever, and they ruined it."

"I know." I sighed, in agreement.

"Mom thinks you hate her."

"I don't hate her, Kaden. I could never hate her. I just think she could've waited to poormthis shitmon me, on us. Today of all days she had to drop a goddamn bomb."

"I know." I sighed frustrated.

"I can't believe my dad is a monster "Kade, what if he wants to take me away?"

"That will never happen, Carl's. We won't let him." I said, kissing her forehead.

"I'm glad you're here Kaden."

"Me too.''

"I love you Kaden."

"I love you too." I sighed if only you knew just how much.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora