Five Years

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Things haven't gotten any better in the following weeks. The sperm donor hasn't let up and has been appearing wherever I am following me. I had followed Cas back to his office and he let us both in telling me to take a seat whilst he closed the door. I dropped to the sofa and he doen us both a drink and placed them down. He was just about to talk when a loud knock echoed through the office he cursed under his breath. "It's open."

Jonathan and Kyler burst through the door and it slammed shut behind them. "What can I do for you two? As you can see I'm about to talk privately with Carly."

They both looked at me. "We just heard. Some of the campers said that there was some kind of commotion at the front driveway."

"There was but it's handled now you can go."

They ignored him and asked, "Who was it, Carls?"

"Sperm donor."

"Isn't he supposed to stay away?"

"He is but he's going against his restraining order. I don't know what to do, everywhere I turn he's there I just want everything to go back to normal." I said, begging to cry.

They were at my side in seconds comforting me. "We'll sort this Carls he can't do this he'll end up behind bars and we all know he doesn't want that."

"I just want my life back." I continued to cry.

"And we'll help you to get it back, we promise."

"I don't feel safe anymore. I wish he would just leave me the hell alone."

Caspian kneeled in front of me. "Look at me Carly."

I lifted my head. "You have us all, we'll all take care of you and protect you. We'll make sure that he never bothers you again." He says, wiping my tears away.

"Do you trust us to take care of this?"

I nod.

"Good. He won't ever be able to see you ever again. I promise."

That was two weeks ago but there's only so much any of them can do. There's a soldier at the front and bank of the house just in case he shows up so they can escort him off the property. They are dotted around college, they look like normal college kids and they blend in that well. Cas said it was so they didn't get noticed.

It was going swimmingly until I had camp and he stood in front of me but the lake . "Your friends did a good job of trying to keep me away from you but not good enough."

"You're not supposed to be here." I said pressing the button Cas had put into my jacket for my own safety. He was sure that the sperm donor would shoye uo unannounced again and when he did he wouldn't know what hit him.

"I don't give a shit about that dumb restraining order baby girl. All I care about is seeing you and talking to you and reason with you about the shit in the past that your bothter bullshite about."

"Liam is no liar." I said pressing the button on the inside of my jacket again.

"Come on baby girl we both know that's a lie he's full of bullshit. Why should his dear old dad do any of that stuff he claimed he did?"

"I don't know, you tell me." I said pressing it agian woundering whre the hell my fuckin backup was.

"It's because I didn't, I would never do anything like that to my own son and I would never do it to my only daughter either."

"I don't believe you. You almost killed my Uncle Caleb and my uncle Jaxon he was supposed to be your best firmed and you fuckin shot him so how the fuck am I expected to trust thst you never harmed my borther when you did that?"

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now