I'm disappointed in you

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God she's a fucking psychopath. Maybe I should've just kept my mouth shut. I thought we were doing good yesterday. It was the first time that we'd spoken to each other, actually spoken to each other without throwing sarcastic remarks at each other.

We had actually confided in each other and I felt good. For the first time in my life I felt good. It felt good to actually put my trust in someone, I never told my friends how I felt or my feelings, but her.

Then today came and my friends decided to be complete asses to her. I wasn't planning on saying shit. My friends were doing a terrific job all by themselves and age was a family spitfire this morning. She hardly spoke back until now either she has grown a back bone or she was fed up with them taking the piss and frankly I was too. She had been through a lot and took a lot of shit from the other kids not just above her whole look but about her father too.

I stood back amused. She was venting her anger out on them with Carly. She hated being late for class whereas me and my friends didn't give a damn about getting detention. Then Marcus said the dumbest thing ever to me. "Why are you standing there like a dummy, saying something to her or are you scared of the little twink?"

"No, of course not."

"Well don't stand there, say something.′


I was just about to make another hurtful comment towards her as her perfect ass boyfriend shows up, Aiden goddamn Harper. I mean what the hell is it with this guy, can't she even fight her own battles? He leads her away.

"Now's your chance, say something."

Then my dumb ass kicks in and sayd the stupidest thing ever. Getting her attention. I never expected get to lounge at me, but she did and fuck she has a powerful punch for a geek.

I look at her and I see hurt and betrayal in her eyes but I vang keel my big mouth shut I continue to goad her and she keeps throwing punches at me until she's finally pulled off me by the head teacher. He's a prick and has a soft spot for Carly yeah another one. He apparently 'Trained her mother ' at camp then she returned to become one of them. He has the highest respect for Carly's mother it's almost sickening watching that pervert around her.

I am now standing in his office after the outburst in the corridor. I haven't seen Carly since and wonder if he had gone easy on her or not. Probably being friends with her mother.

He looks at me. "I'm disappointed in you Mr. McKenley. And so will your father. This was a new start for you, yet you decide to break umpteenth rules and act through big I am with your so called friends. But it stops here. I'm sick of your attitude Alijah. If today had never happened it would never have come to light that you and your friends had been bullying Miss. Kingsley."

"We never."

"So care to explain what happened a half an hour ago?"

"It was a misunderstanding."

"It looked to be more than a misunderstanding Alijah. We've been here before and the misunderstandings you and your friends have caused in my school. And to be frank either you I'm getting a little too piseed off with you and your friends disgraceful actions and disregard of it her students feelings especially those of Misc

Kingsley and it stops here, do you understand?"

"But it was a misunderstanding sir, she just took it the wrong way and went all psycho on me."

"Misunderstanding or not you're all to be punished. I'm afraid you'll be in detention for a month then you'll all be off to an army camp where hopefully you'll learn respect for others. You'll be all separated until the return to school after the Easter holidays and then you'll all be beginning your exams. Understood?"

"I bet Carly isn't getting this treatment." I mumbled."

"Misd. Kingsley has already left for camp; her mother thought it was best for her to go immediately."

I bet she did.

"Carly you need to control your anger and Alijah. you need to control your mouth and learn to respect others so just a month's time you and your friends will be alm separated and head off to camp are we understood Mr. McKenley?"

"Yes sir."

"Good you may leave now."

I nodded. Bowing my head down leaving his office, closing the door, punching the wall; this is almost her fault. Carly Kingsley you're going to pay for this I promise you.

After school was over I closed. I walked home with my friends and we all agreed Carly needed to be taught a lesson.

I closed the door behind me and turned looking at my father who had had his arms crossed and was looking at me pissed. Great, now I'm in for it again.

"I'm disappointed in you Alijah. I had hoped you would make friends with at least one of the Kingsleys. I had hoped you and Carly would become friends as you were in the same year." He sighed, disappointed.

"I don't think so she's a freaking psychopath, she hit me and she didn't care to stop."

"Maybe she had reason to." He looked at me and shook his head. "No one talks about her father Alijah, he's a sore subject."

"So. No one's perfect and they, Dad."

"This isn't to do with me Alijah, it's about the hurtful things you said to Carly."

"She should be used to it by now"

"Your mother and I didn't raise you to be a disrespectful piece of shit Alijah."

"Maybe it cause you never raised me. Mom did, all by herself. You were never here dad and when you were you never took notice of me while wallowing in self-pity."

"I have PTSD Alijah, you'll understand one day. I for one am glad that they are sending you to the camp you may think differently on how you treat people."

"I'm not you, Dad, I'm not perfect."

"You think I'm perfect? Well you're wrong, it took me years to realise through the mistakes that I had made, and I for one don't want you turning out the way I did at your age and regretting every stupid stunt I'd made before joining the forces. Don't get doing anything stupid Alijah, or you'll end up regretting it."

"Sure whatever."

"Think carefully Alijah. I may have been forgiven by those around me for my actions, but you may not be." He said walking away.

Like whatever, my mind is already made up. I don't care if she hates me more than she already does. She has to know her place and it will be me to put her in it.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now