Where can she be?

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Alijah McKinley

It's been a few hours since school was officially over for the year elevens. I wanted to talk to Carly before she left but I had to wait for my friends as we were all going to celebrate getting out of this shithole, but they were still in school. I was out shortly after Carls. I strode out smiling finally out of school forever. My friends and I had signed up for the army and the training begins Monday. I can't wait to prove to everyone I'm worth something. More for Carly than anyone, dad is proud and mom is worried sick. Dad left the RAF's when mom was expecting and has never once looked back. Mom knows what he's been through and how bad he suffers with PTSD on a regular basis. He goes to one of the clinics Hope Evans runs that's where he met her older brother Jaxon attends. They talk a lot about their past experiences and how they survived war and death. It sounds horrific but I want to do something that will make me a better man.

I look over the school grounds and early is heading out of the gates, maybe if I jog I can make it. I begin to jog over to her as the car door opens, I slow down. She surely can't be that stupid to get into a car with blacked-out windows. I come to a halt as she slides in closing the door and the car pulls away. I guess she can she must know the driver or she would never have got in guess I'll have to wait to talk to her when I get home we're all heading around there for a welcome-to-life celebration whoever thought of calling it that was dumb it should have said welcome to hell cause you'll never get out alive.

Someone clasps me on my arm. "Hey Alijah I thought you were waiting by the front doors?"

I look at Timothy. "Sorry man, I needed to talk to someone before I left because they'd already gone."


"No one important. Let's go."

He nodded and all four of us left to celebrate in style a few cans. We never had a party after we left because there were too many cops around.

We'd all been slumping and drinking in Carter's basement when my mobile went off. I slid it out of my pocket and rolled my eyes. Damn why is my dad ringing? He knows I'm with the guys. I answer anyway, it must be important. If he's calling. "Dad." I slurred.

"You best not be drinking Alijah."


"We'll have words later. I want you back now we're at the Kingsleys. Calry has disappeared."

"Sure, Dad." I slurred.

"And for god sake sober up before you arrive or your mother will kill you."

"Yes sir."

"Don't be cocky with me, son, I can stop you from joining the army."

"Sure Dad, I'm on my way."

We said goodbye and I ended the call.

"What you're old man want?"

"I've got to get home Carly Kingsley's gone missing."

"How's that your problem?"

"It's not but Dad seems to think it is, sorry guys we'll meet up tomorrow."

"Sure Alijah."

We fist bumped and I stood up, swaying maybe I'd had a little too much.

"Grab some bottles of water from the fridge before you leave so your mom doesn't string you up alive." Carter laughs.

"Sure bro."

I stumble out of the living area into the kitchen and grab a few bottles of water out of the fridge. His mom is a health freak. I close the fridge door, opening the first bottle swinging some as I stumble out of the kitchen into the hall shouting see ya to the guys. They hollor it back and I open the door and head out closing it behind me. I squinted at the bright sun outside damn who turned the lights on? I take another swig and head to the Kinglseys. I wonder if this has anything to do with the car she got into outside school.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang