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Kyler looked at me concerned. He knew this day would eventually come when we would all be fighting over her, but he didn't expect it to be right now.

He was angry. I could tell his eyes were all blown out with nothing but pure darkens behind them. We had both talked endlessly about how we were going to attack the elephant in the room when it came to it. But we just hadn't expected it so soon as had started the ball rolling knowing that we were on the training ground whilst he was in his dam office, smug as if the cat had got the cream. He hadn't necessarily lured Carly Vear there but it was damn close to it knowing he could use the sympathy card with her cause her sperm door of a good-for-not-thing piece of shti father had been sentenced to five years behind bars not long enough I'm my opinion, but it had to come from Cas as he knew people in high places in or in the right places. The judge was some kind of family friend who had pushed the hearing forward which bothered a lot of people, especially that prick. He knew what was coming and he deserved so much after breaching the restraining order.

Cas had taken the opportunity to let her know the details of her sperm donor's stance and played in it to make her feel as if she needed him to reassure her and comfort her that everything would be okay fuckin slime just like his brother. We needed to sort this shit out and promo before we lost our Carly Bear, the only girl that meant everything to us, the only girl who could take our nightmares away and make us feel safe. I'm glad that we have her.


I can't believe Cas took the one opportunity he had to get to our Carly bear. He had never taken any interest in her before. Not once had he seen her like we had now all of a sudden he was trying to push us out and become her safe place not fucking happening. We have always been there for her regardless. Even if she had shut us out for a few weeks we knew to hang in there cause she was hurting after her brother had got sent down for ten years after taking her with him without her parents consent. I'm sure that they would've given it knowing the circumstances as we've been become very aware that Hope and Cameron are two separate people on the same spectrum she hates him with a passion and him well fuck knows how he feels about her. All we can gather is that he and Joshua have a hate hate relationship after everything that had gone down in the past.

I look at Carly. She looks so lost right now. I guess it's a lot to take in that your boss has a crush on you. "It's okay Carly Bear we'll go and talk to him and let him know you're not comfortable with these new feelings he has for you."

"It's okay, I'll talk to him. I need to make him understand that he's my boss and nothing can happen, ever. I have someone and I don't need his inappropriate feelings to mess me up. I need this job here guys. I can't risk it all for a guy who has a boy crush."

I smile. "We'll talk to him, Carl's, he'll listen to us . You on the other hand I'm not so sure."

She nods.

"We'll do it tomorrow. It's getting late and I'm hungry. Shall we go and eat?"

Carly nods and Jonathan grins wildly. "I'm starving, let's go."

I shake my head. The dude is always hungry. We all get up and head out of Carly's cabin and to the cafeteria to grab some food.


I watch as Carly enters the cafeteria with Jonathan and Kyler. Do those two always have to shadow her? I'm glad I got those precious moments with her earlier. She looks like she wants to run and hide. I can't blame her, they're all looking over at her whispering and sniggering. She says something to Jonathan and Kyler, they nod, she turns and begins to head out of the cafeteria her eyes connect with mine and she hurries out of the cafeteria. I'm angry that she can't even eat where everyone else is let alone she seems to be scared of me, but why? I haven't done anything to make her feel that way have I? I push my tray away and March up to the stand. I blow my whistle and everyone stops and stares. "As you are all aware of the things that have happened to Miss Evans these past few days I would appreciate it if you keep your snide comments and gossiping out of my camp. This is not the school yard, it's a goddamn camp where you will learn different techniques in handling yourselves and bullies. It is not a place for gossiping especially about a girl who has been through the same as you and is now part of the staff here. You will show her with the utmost respect and if you fail there will be disciplinary action. And as you are aware of all of the rumours going around the camp about Miss Evans this is totally unnextable and when I find out who has begun these rumours they will be severely punished. You may finish your supper and head to your cabins with that in mind.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now