You're My Daughter

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It has been a hard last few months. I had returned home for Christmas and for one in the past few months I was happy cause I would finally see kaden he only came home during the big holidays. Mom said Kaden said it was easier that way. Whatever we all know he's only allowed to come home. Three times a year the biggest holiday is Easter. Summer holidays and Christmas the others holidays were non substantial as they were only for a week at a time and broke up three half terms. Well guess what mom after June he'll be home for good so how are you going to keep us away from each other then? Kalma bitch.

I had now made it up with Jonathan and Kyler who understood why I did what I had done. We talked a lot about what had happened with Liam and our sperm donor. They held me and cuddled me whilst I cried myself to sleep most nights until Cas told them it was brought to his attending that the staff was sleeping in the same cabin which was not allowed unless you were the same gender so now we can only be together during supper and the few hours after dark they leave around ten that when I get ready for bed. But, sleep doesn't come east to me it never has unless I have someone with me which I have found over the past few months of sharing my bed with Aiden on the weekends now he's turned sixteen mom and dad have allowed him to stay with me on Friday night until Sunday dinner as Aunty Connie likes him home for Sunday dinner. I've stayed over his every other weekend we've come extremely close since his birthday even closer than we were at school there are no secrets between us he knows that I spend a lot of my time with Jonathan and Kyler and he also he knows that they are a great help to me with the shit that's going in with sperm donor. Right now it's going through a legal system as I'm sixteen. I don't have to see him even if he insists he's been calling until recently when we all changed our numbers. But now he's been coming around the house knocking on our door all times of day which is borderline harassment . We're putting a restraining order in to stop him coming within two feet of me which means if he turns up anywhere I am and he oversteps that two feet he'll be arrested and thrown into jail.

I step into the house unaware that Kaden has already returned from school until he tackles me into a bear hug. I stumble and almost fall to the ground but Kaden is stronger than any sixteen year old I know and grabs me before I fall. "Sorry Carly poo, I was just too excited to see you."

"I missed you too Kaden poo," I said, hugging him tightly.

"We have so much to catch up on."

"We have."

We pulled out the hug as our mom called us to get ready for supper. We both rolled our eyes before we went in separate directions to clean up ready for supper. There was a lot of chatter around the table and praises all around for Kaden and I.

Once we had ate our supper we excused ourselves and went outside and sat on the swinging chair. "So how's the first half term of college been?"

"Good I've learnt a lot actually especially after everything that happened."

"How are you now after the court thing with Liam?"

"Better now, much better still getting there but it still hurts you know."

He nods. "How's camp?"

I smile. "Good, the guys have helped me out a lot."

"Good they're cool I can't wait until I kick their arses again next year."

I smile. Kaden got on well with Jonathan and Kyler, like they'd been friends forever like I felt with them. "Speaking of next year, what are you planning to do at college?"

He grins. "I'm going to become a personal trainer. I'll be starting with my Level two Diploma in Instructing Exercise and Fitness then I'll go onto my Level three Certificate in Personal Training. My phys Ed teacher thinks I've got what it takes to be a personal trainer and who knows one day I'll beat those two at their assault course." He grins winking.

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