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Lieutenant Donnington

I grinned at her. I don't know what I was expecting after Alijah had filled us all in. I'd watched and studied her since the games had begun one I never thought a girl like her was into drinking let alone come to the first day off her face. She was my kind of girl.

The second she seemed more herself and more aware of her surroundings. I was aware of the rift between her and Alijah wasn't sure on what it was about didn't give two fucks either all I could see that they were standoffish with each other like they both had a big problem with being in each other's personal space and I hoped that wouldn't effect our plan.

We'd all agreed who would team up with her and when pity Alijah disagreed with most of it it looked like he had a bigger grudge against this chick than Ethan had. Alijah finally won the vote to take her on in two tournaments if he managed to stay in them and I was well surprised when he had the body and the stamina of an ox. When he put his mind to it he went for it and accomplished it.

He and Carly Evans had some kind of rivalry going on between them and we could all sense that it wasn't good and hoped he wouldn't take this as his chance for his own payback for being here. Evan had his own reasons for payback against this girl. We all knew what it was all apart from Alijah. He had his own agenda and no one was going to ruin it for him , but Ethan wouldn't let him get in the way of his revenge on Carly Evans.

No one knew we'd switched the name cards around, around one this morning so I was out with Carly to make out her strengths and weaknesses from what I had seen so far this girl had no weaknesses, plenty of strengths. The only weakness I saw was fear and Ethan would feed in that weakness when taking her down. He played on peoples weakness that how he became the Sergeant of the camp. He was good at finding someone's weakness and feeling it for his own pleasure to take down the enemy.

Carly had plenty of that right now but she composed herself and stood tall and put a mask on that said don't mess with my bitch. I grinned wider if it wasn't for Ethan and his revenge on her for something that happened years ago I'd have banged her.

"So was this you plan all along lieutenant? Put me with Alijah first to see if I could push through the torment for two of the games then switch strategy so someone brave enough to take me on would take his place to try and break me a little more?"

Damn this girl was good. Quirky and hostile as this why Alijah wanted in on our revenge? Damn it was turning me on instead of off.

"You intrigue me Miss Evans but to answer your question no. That would be against the rules of the games." That was true, but Ethan had no ethics when it came to rules. They were his rules or none at all and we could get into so much shit if anyone found out we'd swapped it all around for our plan to pan out perfectly. "It was just utter bad luck you got teamed up with Alijah and I hope you give me a run for my money let's see how fast you really are Miss Evans."

She nodded and grinned. "Oh I will, Lieutenant."

We got into our running positions and we were off.


I watched as Conrad and Carly sprinted after the gunshot went off. Climbing up the Rope ladder then steadying themselves grabbing onto the ropes,either side and walking across where they would be met with the double beam the double beam was one small beam which they had to roll under and a larger one they had to lift themselves over. Once they'd completed the double beam they had to cross another beam with one foot in front of the other making sure they stayed steady.

The trip wires were their next obstacle, they took it easy dropping themselves onto the ground pushing themselves with their elbows pulling themselves up to be bent with a high wall which they had to climb up with the help of a rope then haul themselves over and jump.

We watched in amazement. Did nothing faze this girl? She was almost as good as Conrad. They were inches in one another Conrad knew this assault course like the back of his hand we'd done it that many times the newbies didn't look too pleased to know we'd be using it in the games as they have never used it until today, but it looked like Evans had used one similar,how fast she was flying over it. They had one similar at Cas's camp but not as big knowing that bastard he'd have made his newbies train in it.

"I wish I was out there instead of Conrad. She's shit hot and fast."

I nodded and I couldn't agree more. If it wasn't for Alijah stepping on my toes that day Conrad would've been her partner not him he'd obviously got a chip on his shoulder and wanted to prove he was better than her though they'd come in with joined times. He was pissed, but chose not to show it. None of us knew what he had said to her that day but we all saw the fear in her eyes, the fear I'd feed off when I confronted her.

Damon was supposed to be on this track with her. He was the best officer I had that could do the assault course in two minutes. I knew Conrad was good but his times weren't as good as Damon's. He would've bet Carly Evans hands down. But watching her she was closer to Conrad's times than any other camper I'd ever come across.

We continued to watch as they came to the crawl which was the same as the trip wires they then went on to the stepping stones this consisted of twelve high levelled stones they had to make their way across keeping their balance without falling off.

The next obstacle was the Vault, six faults in all they had to leap over on and roll over the next rotating between leaping and rolling until they had done all six vaults then they ran to the Balance beam where they had to make sure they could balance themselves to walk over one foot in front of the other; Sloping wall with rope which they had to pull themselves up a harrison Tal wall with ropes and jump off the other side ; Horizontal beams they jumped up holding with both hands swinging from beam to beam and dropping at the end into a sprint to the Irish table a long bar they had to use both their arms and legs to get them across to their next obstacle ; Tunnel where they both had to crawl through a small tunnel to the twin beams jumping over and sliding under to the Four steps; Ramp and ditch; Low wall; 2m deep Pit; Vertical ladder; Zigzag balance beam; Chicane; Three low walls close together.

We stood watching impressed as they both finished with equal times.

They looked at each other Conrad put his hand out she looked at it unsure but placed her over his. He wrapped his hand around hers and congratulated her. She smiled and looked as if she threw a congratulations his way before he dropped his hand and walked over to us with a grin on his face.

I looked at him, his Cheshire and hardon wasn't hard to miss. "I hope she hasn't distracted you enough not to go through with the plan."

"Of course not why you ask?"

I nodded and he looked down cursing, straightening himself up. "Sorry about that damn thing's got a mind of its own."

"Make sure you keep it in touch when we complete our plan tonight."

He nodded.

Charlie was up next with Carly. I hope he didn't fold. He was our only chance for me to get my revenge.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now