She has no fuckin idea

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I just had to get out of there. I needed to clear my head before I sat down and talked to her about our father. She had no clue whatsoever about him an£ what it was like to have a father that was barely ever around and when he was he never noticed you. He was an asshole and that's why I think I had taken to Caleb as much as I had. He's going to be so disappointed in me and my actions. But I couldn't have Carly meeting the man who was nothing but a sperm donor to both of us. He didn't give more a shit for her as he did for me. He proved that when he cheated on my mother with Hope. I don't blame Hope. I never have it was all my fathers did. He knew exactly what he was doing and how to play both women who had fallen for him. He was a sadistic bastard that deserved nothing less to live the rest of his sad pathetic life alone.

The older I got the more my rege for my father turned into anger then pure hatred for the man who brought me into this world. I often asked myself why he'd done such a selfish act when he wasn't interested in settling down with just one woman. He had to marry two and have affairs behind their backs cause he was addicted to sex and with younger girls. He was never happy with who he had settled down with; he was never content with just being happy with one wife and a child; he had to do it twice and had another child that he would never give two shits about. I'm just so angry right now. Carly doesn't seem to understand hell give her some cock and bull story and say he's sorry for everything he's done in the past as for her forgiveness and plead to her that he's a better man and a father, but I know it's just a crock of shit to get her on his side just so he can build her hopes up just to let her down that's all he's ever fuckin done. My knuckles are bleeding from the rage I hold inside me cursing through the gh my veins and the trees that have no business to be in my way right now. I heave, heavily realising that I'm by some type of campsite. I stare over it and realise that it's not just any ordinary campsite from what I can see from where I am, it's run by guys in khaki uniforms shit it's a military camp. Fuck is this the camp where Carly is supposed to be heading. I hope fuckin not. I'm not ready to give her up to anyone just yet especially those fuckers they've done enough damage over the years.

I turn and head back to the cabin. Hopefully by the time I am at the front door I would have calmed down and Carly wouldn't have done something stupid like run away. If she comes out here she'll realise we're not the only ones out here. Fuck I didn't think this through, I need her to be as far away as possible from anyone who will tell the authorities I screwed up and why, and then I'll be back inside for good, fuck. None of this is how I planned it.

Carly was supposed to be with me always and I was going to keep her as far away from our father as possible. I had promised myself inside I would never let her go through what I had. She needed to know everything about our father, stuff our mothers didn't even know.

I headed back through the woodland and back to the cabin in hope Carly was exactly where I had left her. I hadn't meant to be so harsh toward her but I was just so damn angry that she wasn't even listening to a damn fuckin word I was saying she was so convinced our father was some kind of resurrected god who needed to explain his downfall and be forgiven for them.

I opened the door and stepped inside. It was warm and cosy inside. I closed the door to keep the warmth in. I had decided on the way down here I was going to keep it from her that we were close to a campsite. And I was going to tell her everything about our sperm donor father. She was sat where I had left her, she looked up with puffy eyes, damn she's been crying. I'd never seen her cry in all these years we had spent together as brother and sister. And some before she may have cried when she scraped her knee or fell off her bike but I had been there to kiss it all better and clean it up and tell her she needed to be brave and tears were part of the healing process but to stay strong through it you had to be strong too.


I had been too scared to move an inch when Liam had stormed out and slammed the door behind him. I'd never seen him so mad and pissed at me. Maybe I should hear him out. He knew our father and I knew nothing, just what people had told me and their versions weren't much to write home about. He had lived with his father for a short period of time before he had been taken away from him. He knew the guy inside and our what made him tick and what pissed him off to the point he'd ignored his own child and his mother for months on end. He told me very little about our father and how he would only see him a few months at a time and even when he was there he never had much to do with Liam. I needed to hear him out. No matter what the outcome and what I decided to do for the best, I needed to hear him out.

I heard the door close at least he didn't slam it so he'd come back in a better mood than the one he left in one could only hope. I didn't like that side of him, it scared me.

I saw the relief on his face when he realised I hadn't attempted to move from where I had been sitting when he left it had tried to run. To exactly where I had no idea. For all I know there's no one around for miles, hours and hours away. Even though he's scared the shit out of me I wasn't willing to die out there searching for any other signs of life that obviously wasn't around. He would've found me and dragged me back in a more missed off mood than he was already in. "I'm going to do us something to eat then we'll talk about the sperm donor okay?"


He smiled and walked away. "I'm sorry Liam, I'm willing to listen to what you have to say about him. "

"Good. you need to know everything before you even consider seeing the prick."

"I know." I sighed knowing he was right and was only thinking of me and my feelings towards a man I knew literally nothing about being unable to see him as I grew up.

"Well eat first 'cause it's going to be a long night and a lot to take in." he squeezes my hand and I smile. He lets go of my hand and walks away and into the kitchen to cook for the both of us as I sit and wonder what he will tell me about the man who claims to be my father. I can only sit and wonder. I'm not sure if he's doing this for my benefit or his, he's got so much anger hidden inside of him towards our father, the guy he thinks of as nothing but a sperm donor. The guy I grew up knowing relatively nothing about until my mom and Joshua told me their side of this sordid story. I always knew Joshua wasn't my fraternal father and Cameron Stevens was. I had my mother's last name though I can now change it legally to Kingsley. Maybe I will then this bullshit is all over. Joshua has always been the father I never had like Caleb has always been Liam's.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now