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We had all been feeling really informed that Carly was safe and well. Her older stepbrother had thought it would be the best idea to take her away I'm it all so that she wouldn't have to face her no-good-for-nothing father, but knowing Carly she would want to hear the guy's side even if she had no intention of wanting anything to do with the jackass after what he had put her mom through and my assumption had been correct. My father had explained everything to me.

I wish now that I wasn't so hard on her. Maybe Ethan had seen the better in her once they had finally spoken about his father's and her mother's relationship and what it had done to their family. I doubt there was anything but a platonic relationship between them bu5 he had wanted more and had left it too late and blamed Ethan's mother for it and saw him as a hindrance. I can't blame him for his hate towards his father. But I also didn't see a problem with it with Carly too. Until now. Now I realise no one is perfect and we need to put our anger and resen, ent behind us to get along with others.

I had always liked Carly's spunk, that's what kept me going at her for as long. But, I came to realise being a bully isn't always a blessing and it doesn't go through in your favour to bull6 the girl you have a crush on to make friends with others. Carly is better than those friends I have made during my time at high school and I plan to make her see I'm worth more than she thinks I am because bullying her just pushed her away from me, not closer to me.

I'm happy that they had found her but I won't get to show her how much I was glad she was safe. I'm leaving today now the search has come to an end. "Come on Alijah, we need to get going if you're going to make it before dark."

"I'm coming, Dad." I zip up my rucksack and heave it over my shoulders before leaving my room. I look back and smile. I have so many memories in this room. Now I'll be gone for three years I decided to sign up for three years though it isn't required you can leave after six but I want to prove not only to my parents but Carly too, providing to all of them that I can stick to something and make something of my life that will make everyone proud, especially her. I turn and close the door, locking all of my memories away, leaving everything behind me to start my new journey. I'm positive that I can get through it, Dad did so I'm sure as hell I can. My friends, I'm not so sure about that because they don't like hard work and discipline. Neither do I, but I'm willing to do anything to achieve my goal if it takes tears to achieve it then I will. I head downstairs where my parents are waiting. Dad smiles and my mom's eyes are welled with tears. She brings me in for ahI'm going to miss you, my baby."

"I'm not a baby anymore Mom."

"I know." she sighs. "You'll always be my baby Alijah, I'm so proud of you," she says, squeezing me tighter.

"I know Mom."

She finally lets go and kisses my cheek. You best keep in touch and tell us what you are doing."

"I will mom."

"Come on son, we've got a long drive in front of us."

I nod saying my final goodbye to my mom. and follow Dad out of the house closing the door. We get into the car and my dad drives away. The music is low and the silence for once is appreciated. Dad is a man of few words but I know he wasn't as reserved as Mom about me joining the army. He grinned, nodded and winked to let me know that I had made a good choice even if I had decided to be away from home for three years, which was something Mom wasn't too pleased about. But dad had told her it was my choice to make and if it was what I truly wanted he was a hundred percent behind me.

Three hours, well almost four hours later we arrived at the barracks where we were met by one of the officers who told Dad he wouldn't be able to go any further. He nodded and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so proud of you son. You've grown up so much in the past few months, just make sure you do everything they tell you, be respectful and you'll go far."

"I will Dad."

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too Dad."

He moved away and I got my rucksack off the back of the seat, opened the door and slipped out, closing the car door behind me. My dad reversed the car and we waved our final goodbye.

"Follow me."

I nodded, following the soldier into the barracks. He introduced himself as Command Sergeant Major Hawkins. He gave me the rundown of what time he expected everyone to be at the inn every morning and what we would be required to do. I had done some of it at camp but this was so much harder. I had to remind myself of why I was doing this. He showed me the living quarters while I was training which would get better the longer I was there. I nodded and put my rucksack by my bunk and followed him to the cafeteria to get something to eat before we all had to attend an introduction to the army and blah blah blah. I was too damn tired to give a shit about that now. Once we were permitted to leave I went back to the sleeping quarts and dropped to my bunk and closed my eyes.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now