Aiden Harper & Liam - Forest Stevens

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I arrived at the Kingsleys half hour ago to find Kaden with Carly. She was sleeping peacefully on him. Not hers to mind he's my friend and her brother, but I know he wished they weren't. He doesn't even know that I notice how he looks at her even if she doesn't realise he's in love with her and not in a brotherly way.

"How long has she been asleep?"

"Not long ten minutes maybe."

I nodded. "What happened Kade? Your parents looked as if they'd lost a puppy?"

"They dropped a bomb."

"What do you mean?"

"Her father, he's being released soon."

Oh shit that explains it.

"I know mom told me she's freaking out and dad, well dad is in his insane moods thrashing everything he wants to kill him literally after he made him lose everything he loved in life cause of that prick."

"They finally told her the truth of why he was in prison."

"She didn't take it well.'

"I don't think anyone would take it too well knowing their own father tried to kill their uncle's to get to her."

He's a psychopath. She needs to stay away from him, she needs to be protected."

"I agree."

Carly stirred waking up. "Aiden?" She asked groggily.

He smiled. "Happy birthday Angel." He said, leaning down pecking her on the lips. 'I have something for you."

"Ew, that's my queue to leave." I said, pulong a face.

Aiden laughed. "I didn't mean that you can stay."

"Nagh it's cool I'll give you some privacy."

"Thanks Kade."

"No probs Aid." He smirked.

"Thanks for everything Kade."

"No probs Carly poo."

"Don't call me that asshole."

He smirked laughing, they both had a good connection. I just wished mine and Liam's was as good as theirs was.

He closed the door behind him. I pulled out a box. "Happy birthday babe."

Her eyes lit up as she took it off me. She crucified the paper, ripping it to shreds. Opening the box to a promise ring. "I hope you look at it babe. It's my promise to you that I'll always be there for you no matter what."

She smiled happily, sliding it onto her finger. She jumped on me, hugging me. "Thanks Aiden I love it,'' she said, kissing my cheek.

'My pleasure princess."

She moved away. I looked at her. "I love you Carly."

"I love you too." She smiled happily.

I pressed my lips on hers kissing her passionately.

Liam - Forest

I lay on the bed on my cell wondering where it all went wrong. I haven't seen my mother for ten years or my step father, the guy that was more of a father to me than my own. He took me on when he had no need to, but I guess that's what love does to you. I know I have a step sister and two step brothers. Our family is truly fucked up and it was fucked up by one man, my father.

I'll be out of here soon and I intend to get to know my extended family though they probably don't remember me. I was sixteen when I got sentenced. They lied when they said the jury and the judge would go easy on me. I will be out in a month.

My father has written to me several times and wants to meet me to talk and tell me his side of the bull shit. He never loved my mother or me for a matter of fact. If he had he would never have cheated on her like he did. We wouldn't be in this mess now. I have no clue who I will be greeted with when I return home all I know I'd my father can fuck off and take a running jump the only one I want to know out if this us my biological sister; Carly Evans.

I know she's just turned sixteen and is dating my brother Aiden. I want to know what is so special about her that has my brother all gooey eyed.

Me and Aiden have had regular contact with each other since I got sentenced. He tells me everything and I know he's scared for Carly right now. Now she knows the full truth of why our father is in prison and I intend to protect her from him. I'll take her away from him if that's what it takes for her to be safe. I don't give a shit about anyone element in the equation, just her and if I have to take her away I will.

No one knows what my father is capable of. He proved that to everyone when he went out on a massaker to see her. This time he will have to get through me. And that's not just a threat, it's a promise.

I remember the conversation we had through my only phone call. I nedded to tell him I'd be home in 28 days time and to let mom know.

"Hey Aiden it's me Liam."

He gasped. "Le is that really you?"

"It is I need you to do something for me little bro."


'Can you tell mom I'm coming home."

"When?" He asked, excitedly.

'Next month."

"Mom will be ecstatic especially with everything that is going on around here."

"Why what's happening your end?"

"Not just your dad is boring realised, not sure when but the Kingsley told Carly he's getting released, they told her and Kaden what he's in prison for."


"She's not taken the news to well bro, she's not talking to anyone about it I'm worried for her bro, she hasn't been like this for a long time since, we'll since high school started and some bitches started to harass her cause she was different , they still make remarks towards her but she chooses to ignore them. She can't ignore this, I don't know know what to do Liam."

"I'll be there I promise,thst bastard won't go anywhere near her."

"Thanks Li that means a lot."

"Anything for family."

"Times up Stevens."

"Look I've got to go bro I'll call you closer,to my release date okay."

"Oksy bro and don't mess this up this time I want you home."

"I won't buddy, I'll speak to you soon."

"Sure bye Li."

"Bye Aid." I said, ending the call putting the receiver down. And I meant every word of it I'd make sure she was safe no matter what.

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now