I'm sorry Liam but I have to....

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I've had a restless night not sure if Carly is in the cabin. But whoever is with her knows who the cabin belongs to even if she doesn't. I just hope she's safe and whoever is with her hasn't decided to do the unthinkable.

"You awake, Ky?"

"Yeah, can't sleep. You?"


"Do you think she's okay?"

"If it's her in that cabin and it's who they think she's with I'm sure she is. I'm sure he wouldn't do anything stupid."

"He's already done something stupid J. What if he does something worse?"

"I don't know Ky, but he's got to have taken her there for a reason."

"Yeah, their dad is out of prison and anyone who's met Scar will know exactly why he's taken her away."

"Yeah, I guess."

"It's a waste of time trying to sleep now anyhow the sarg will be here in an hour."

"Sure we will have a strong coffee, a very strong one and some grub before we get showered and dressed." 

"We'll need more than one strong coffee. Ky try ten."

I grunted and we pulled ourselves up off our beds and headed sleep deprived to the kitchen making the strongest coffee ever tanking it down before we took it in turns to shower and eat some grub with another strong coffee. 

We'd had four before we both took turns to use the bathroom and getting changed we laced up our boots and a knock came at the door. Buldog opened it half asleep.

Bulldog Jr.

I'm so fuckin tired I haven't slept a wink worrying about our Carly bear. I'll be glad when we get her back to the camp safely. Fuck knows what her brother was thinking, well he obviously wasnt thinking straight or the consequences when someone finally caught up to them.  Well, we hope it's them anyway. That cabin hasn't been used in fuck knows how long. Everyone knows it's Hope Kingsley's cabin. She hasn't used it for years. She was keeping it for her children. I think they may have used it when Carly and her brother Kaden were younger but we're just going in hearsay. Now someone is up there because they either know who it belongs to or that it is empty so they can hide out from the world. I wonder if they even know that the camp is close by?

I was looking forward to Carly coming back to camp, so was Kyler. We know she won't say no to training with us and helping the other campers who are new to it. We know she's here to learn the ropes from our camp counsellor but a little fun and challenges never hurt anyone. 

I open the door, my eyes drooping ready to close at any moment. Well, the four cups of black and extremely strong coffee did jack shit for my tiredness. 

"Wel you look like shit, Bulldog Jr." He chuckled.

I grunted. "Sarg."

"Are you both ready to go over to the cabin and see if Carly is there?"

"We are Sarg."

"Are you sure Bulldog Jr. Is Kyler looking as worse for wear as you or worse?"

"I'm fine Sarg, haven't slept in too worried about Carly."

"I understand you can always fall back and I'll take some of the other men."

"Not a chance we want to help you, Sarg. We want to see she's safe and back here in one piece." 

"I understand. I'm taking a team up there just in case he decides to do something irrational."

"Do you think he will Sarg?"

My Step Brother's Obsession - Carly #2Where stories live. Discover now