BONUS CHAPTER #43: Kiba vs Nia

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A/N - Hey guys! I'm doing a triple update lol. Love in You and my bakugo story and then this bonus chapter. This one might really get y'all mad lol but I had it sitting for a while in drafts and thought I'd finally post it.

Please remember to leave some comments, vote, and enjoy ❤️


BONUS CHAPTER #43: Kiba vs Nia

"You're so pretty, Curly Brow..." Naruto gushed as he held Nia close to him outside in a forest.

Nia appreciated his words, yet her eyes were locked onto Kiba's, who was giving her a death glare.

She turned her head.

"Sweetheart," Naruto noticed this. "What's wrong?"

"He's... glaring at me again," The girl spoke.

"Who is?"

Naruto looked around until he spotted Kiba's hostile stare. He sighed heavily.

"Ignore him, Curly Brow. He's mean to you for no reason. Don't react to him."

"I just don't get it, Naruto. Why does everyone hate me so much? Is my face really that hideous to where they wanna beat me down for it?"

"You're pretty, Curly Brow. Him and everyone else are just blinded to your beauty. They don't know what actually makes a person beautiful. They think it's all about looks."

"Naruto, I hate that everyone always bully me because of how I look," Nia croaked.

Naruto squeezed her tighter.

"You're beautiful the way you are. You were made to be exactly who you are. There's nothing ugly about your appearance. People are just damn evil."

His eyes lowered.

This annoys me so much... Curly Brow's right. People are always making fun of her and picking at her because of her face. It disgusts me how evil they are to her. She didn't ask to look the way she does. She didn't ask to have textured skin or small eyes and a wider nose. She tries her best to be beautiful yet all they do is put her down... Dammit! I'm so mad. I wish everyone would leave her alone. She doesn't deserve to be treated so bad. She deserves so much better than what she gets.

"U-Uzumaki..." Nia mumbled.


"You're... squeezing me too tight. It's hard to breathe, baby."

"Huh?! Oh! I'm sorry," Naruto lightened his hold.

He then exhaled.

"Curly Brow..."


"I'm tired of this..."

"Of what?"

"Of everyone being mean to you, whether it's to your face or especially behind your back, ya know."

"This... is just the reality I live wi-"

"But you SHOULDN'T have to go through all this! I mean, it's ridiculous how many people speak ill of you, calling you all sorts of names! I swear it makes me so mad, I just wanna crack their skulls or something!"

Nia lowered her eyes.

"I mean, I can see it in your eyes..." Naruto spoke softly. "It... really hurts you. It damages your soul."

"It... doesn't matter."

"What?! Of course it matters! I can't believe how big of a bully everyone is to you! How evil can people be?!"

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