The Deal With Anime Crushes

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Okay so since I was like thirteen or fourteen, I have always wondered why I personally and a whole wide range of other people in the world felt attracted or "in love" with anime or just fictional characters in general. Like we all know they ain't real, they can never love you, or you can never meet them, but some of us still wind up not giving a crap and still feel attracted to our husbandos or waifus 😂😂😂 (I sound like such a weeb right there but that's how anime fans reference their anime crushes)

Y'all might be wondering "Why tf is this weird girl talking about this?" but quite frankly, recently I just haven't been able to get it out of my head and wanted to address it or just discuss my opinion on this whole thing with you all 😂

If y'all wanna keep reading and hop on the bandwagon with me, let's get going but if you can't relate to having had a crush on fictional characters or just looking at them and thinking they're hot, welp by all means, click off this update thing cause I guess there's no point in you reading unless you legit wanna read my personal experience with this whole thing.

Okay, so for starters, my curiosity eventually got the best of me and I ended up googling the whole thing and found this:

Okay, so for starters, my curiosity eventually got the best of me and I ended up googling the whole thing and found this:

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Okay so don't worry about the scribbled out parts cause those are just sentences that were irrelevant to this topic lol.

Apparently if you're attracted to JUST fictional characters — you have "Schediaphilia" or "Toonophilia"

If you're attracted to BOTH humans (real life people) AND fictional characters - you have "Fictiophilia"

So for me personally, I have Fictiophilia cause I'm attracted to real life people and anime characters 😂

So this whole thing is a condition lol and some may argue that it's a fetish as well 😂 I guess since I was three or four years old, I've had this "fetish" or "condition" because since I could remember, I have always been attracted to fictional characters even though I knew they weren't real — like it just never mattered to me. It's like someone having a foot fetish, except the foot part happens to be fictional characters instead. And honestly, I see crushes on fictional characters the same as when someone has a crush on a celebrity, and yes, Ik people are like, "Well at least they're real" like okay idc lol you know what I'm trying to get at 😂

Throughout my life, I found that the most irritating thing about being attracted to fictional characters is the way society perceives a certain individual about their attraction toward it.

I personally refer to these people as the "Normal People" or the "Judgmental People"

And what I mean by that is those who fail to even try to understand people who are different from them and try to make others feel bad or embarrassed about the kind of person they are. I mean we all have our opinions on what we find strange or weird, but that doesn't mean you legit gotta talk crap about someone or treat someone badly because they're into something that isn't the "norm" like not all of us wanna be followers and robots like the rest of the world. Not all of us are gonna like the same things or be interested in what society says we should be interested in.

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