Nia's Supposedly Original First Love - Bijiri: The Honest Answers 💯

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Okay, let me just start by saying... I knew I was gonna have to make a post about this eventually LOL 💀 and I posted this earlier, but for some reason, it went back into a draft but I'm publishing it again.

I've been dodging y'all for a long time now, but it's time I start answering you guys' question on this subject because I swear to god, this is one of the things I keep getting messages about the MOST for the last like... since late 2016?Like, this is easily top three subjects I get asked about within the story and it's finally gotten annoying so I'll answer lol

There we're a lot of questions, but the main ones I've got from a whole lot of you were:

"What happened to that guy Nia was said to like in the beginning?"

"Nia lied to Naruto in that chapter he got sick from the poisonous mushroom. She did claim to be in love with that Bijiri guy at first, didn't she?"

And of course...

"Can you tell the whole story within a special chapter of Nia and that one guy? Not Akihiko, But the other guy. It's so interesting." | Akihiko: "AM I A JOKE TO YOU?!"

Oml you guys 💀💀💀 the fact that y'all still remember this is hilarious cause after a certain chapter, it was never mentioned again — I think.

So because you guys made this story get to about 234k reads, I've decided to tell what the original plans were and get some questions answered without sugarcoating crap. Like, I didn't think this story would get so many reads, but here we are lol and I at least owe you people for reading my cringey imaginations 💀

Okay so, keep in mind, when I made this crap up, I was SIXTEEN. At that age, I wasn't really able to put down the imagination I was having in my head into the story properly — it was a whole mess lol

Let's just... Let's just get into it now, kay?


Okay yes, I do admit, when I was writing the original story when I was sixteen and before I started rewriting everything that you read today, I did write Nia to have a sorta "first love" type of thing, or at least someone whom she believed (Keyword: believed) she was in love with at the start of the story.

I did this because I was trying to make you guys believe that she wasn't gonna ever like Naruto and so y'all can be in suspense and just so I can just add drama in the story in general.

Anyway, I do faintly remember writing it in a way where she was trying to move on from bijiri (I think that's how I spelled it at the time), but for some reason couldn't and she hated that so freaking much 💀😭😂 and then like, she had this hate/love for him thing going on or something if I'm remembering correctly lol (You OG readers can correct me at any point in time if y'all remember something different cause my memory is trash)

It was cringe lmaooo. Okay so tbh, before I had taken that long ass 6-8 month break in 2016-early 2017, I think what I originally had in store was that her conflicted feelings for him was going to eventually interfere with her growing feelings for Naruto or something as the story progressed.

And what I mean by that is that she wouldn't allow herself to let go of the past and that would lead to her staying heartbroken over it and not come to care for another guy cause she would be so upset over the fact that she couldn't have whom was originally the first guy she ever had huge feelings for. That in turn would've caused jealousy from Naruto's side at a later point and strain their feelings for one another for a large margin of the book.

Y'all ever watched Inuyasha? 💀💀💀 where Inuyasha was in love with Kagome, but he couldn't let go of his feelings for Kikyo cause of the tragic past between them and he wanted to just have a true chance at being able to be with her, but couldn't?

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