Chapter 27

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Ursula & Charming

Ursula: Good afternoon, Charming.

Charming: Afternoon Ursula. What can I do for you?

Ursula: Do you have a few moments to talk?

Charming: Yeah, sure. Something wrong?

Ursula: Our wives.

Charming: Oh yes. Snow was saying something about that last night. Between you and I, I may have tuned her out a bit.

Ursula: Don't worry, I understand. I just want us all to be cordial.

Charming: I agree. What can we do though? They're both pig-headed.

Ursula: Very. Why don't we have dinner? I can cook...

Charming: You sure about this?

Ursula: Yeah, positive. Just tell Snow that you're going to meet some old friends for dinner and I'll tell Cruella the same. They won't know anything until they're already here and I'll lock the door with magic so they can't leave until we have peace.

Charming: Alright. Sounds like a plan. Is tomorrow a good night?

Ursula: That's perfect. We'll see you then.

Belle & Rumple

Belle: Honey?

Rumple: Yes dear?

Belle: What time are you coming home?

Rumple: 6:30. Is something wrong? Is the baby alright?

Belle: No, no, everything's fine. I just wanted to know if you minded stopping and getting some pizza?

Rumple: Of course not, my love. Extra Cheese - Thin Crust?

Belle: Yes, please. I know I've been moody lately and I'm sorry.

Rumple: Belle, you are carrying our child, I will go to hell and back for my family. You, Bae, Henry and our little miracle are the only people that matter to me. And if I have to endure mood swings to ensure your happiness, then so be it. I know you love me.

Belle: With all my heart. Our child is lucky to have such a loving father. And I thank the heavens everyday for allowing me to have you as my husband.

Rumple: It is I who is the lucky and blessed one, and don't you forget it. Now, I think I have a pizza to go get.

Belle: And bre-

Rumple: Breadsticks too. Got it.

Belle: Love you. I have a surprise for you when you get home.

Rumple: I love you too. And I most certainly can't wait.

Henry & Erin

Henry: Hey...

Erin: Henry, it's been days since we've talked. What's wrong?

Henry: I know, I'm sorry. There's just a lot going on right now but I want us to talk in person. Are you free tonight?

Erin: Yes but are you sure your mom won't be mad?

Henry: Oh I'm counting on it. Both my moms are looking for me but thanks to my grandma, I'm disguised as someone they won't recognize.

Erin: Seriously? That is so...AWESOME! Where do you want me to meet you?

Henry: Let's go to the park where we can be alone.

Erin: Okay. Be there in five minutes. I can't wait to see you!

Henry: I can't wait to see you either. I've missed you so much.

Erin: Awe I've missed you too. I'm going to smother you with kisses.

Henry: I won't say no to that.

Snow & Regina

Snow: Did Cora ever get that baby back to it's family?

Regina: Yes. She went down there and explained why it was her fault. Apparently they had foolishly asked her to babysit and when something about her ship came up, she rushed out of the house thinking I would care for the child.

Snow: Well I'm glad everything worked out.

Regina: As am I.

Snow: Would you happen to know a curse that'll turn someone into a statue?

Regina: May I ask why?

Snow: Protection.

Regina: From?

Snow: Look, do you have one or not?

Regina: Have you pissed someone with magic off and now you're afraid?

Snow: I'll take that as a no, then.

Regina: And I'll take that as a yes.

Snow: Thank you so much for your help.

Regina: Snow, just tell me who has threatened you and I presume I can be nice enough to take care of them.

Snow: While I would appreciate the gesture, I'm a big girl now Regina.

Regina: D'aw. Don't need your stepmother's help anymore?

Snow: ...I was nearly tempted to say something.

Regina: Say it. I dare you. Say it so I can try out a new spell.

Snow: Shouldn't you be out looking for Henry? Emma told me what happened. It seems like my grandson is too clever for you.

Regina: IF he is too clever, it isn't because of your gene pool, it's because I taught him to be that clever. My son is a Mills, always has been and always will be.

Snow: No need to be self-conscious. We know who raised him. We also know where a lot of his traits come from too.

Regina: Yes well, like I said before, some things can be altered with the help of magic. Anyways. Why aren't you out picking a new couch?



Snow: That's why you won't find Henry.

Regina: Oh I'll find him. Even if I have to use magic to do it. You on the other hand, I'll be paying you a visit later.

Snow: My sword will be waiting.

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