Chapter 19

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Elsa & Emma

Elsa: Emma...
Emma: Elsa? What's wrong?
Elsa: I think Anna and I did a bad thing...
Emma: Oh no. Is it worse than splattering red paint all over Regina's office?
Elsa: I'm afraid I think we had something to do with that.
Emma: ...What happened?
Elsa: We were out shopping and we ran into Henry. He was telling us he was a few dollars short to buy some paint.
Emma: Did he tell you why he needed the paint?
Elsa: No. Just that he and his grandmother were very thankful after we gave him the money.
Emma: Elsa, take Anna and stay in your apartment. For your safety from Regina, do NOT leave it until I say so.
Elsa: Do you think it's that bad?
Emma: One word: Yes.
Elsa: Alright, be careful Emma.
Emma: It's easier said than done.

Cora & Henry

Cora: Are you okay first mate?
Henry: Yeah, I made it to the safe point. I'm catching my breath.
Cora: Good. Stay there with the Uncharmings until I calm your mother down.
Henry: What if they tell my moms I'm here?
Cora: They won't. I called them earlier with my voice disguised as Regina, all's good.
Henry: I sure hope this works. I'm close to giving up on this operation.
Cora: Now what kind of talk is that from the truest believer?
Henry: The kind of talk someone gives when they're tired of failing.
Cora: Henry, you of all people should know true love doesn't just happen out of nowhere like some random pixie dust. It takes time to develop.
Henry: I know...but what if we're wrong?
Cora: Then we'll let your mother be with Pinecone & your other mother can smell like the sea 24/7.
Henry: ...I'm not giving up.
Cora: That's my boy!

Belle & Rumple

Belle: My dear husband...
Rumple: Yes sweetheart?
Belle: Where are you?
Rumple: Locking up the shop. Some hooligans are going around throwing red paint and I intend to keep our things safe.
Belle: So you're going to be on your way home soon?
Rumple: Yes love. Is there anything you need?
Belle: I don't want to be a bother.
Rumple: Belle, you're anything but that. I'll go to the moon and back for you.
Belle: I appreciate that but all I wanted was some vanilla ice cream.
Rumple: Your wish is my command. Anything else?
Belle: Pickles, cream cheese and chocolate.
Rumple: Are you making some odd dish?
Belle: No, our little one is craving the oddest things.
Rumple: Well I'll be sure to pick up everything you asked for. I want my loves to be happy.
Belle: Thank you. I love you.
Rumple: I love too, dear.

Neal & Henry

Neal: There's talk around town about someone splattering red paint all over your mom's office. You wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
Henry: Huh? Pft, nope. I've been here with my grandparents all day.
Neal: Well your mom just texted me and said people saw you buying red paint earlier.
Henry: That...was for a school project.
Neal: Mhm. What school project would require two cans of paint?
Henry: A mural?
Neal: You're still in trouble behind your secret date and now you pull this stunt? Why?
Cora: I'm afraid the child you are trying to contact has reahed his limit of texting data.
Neal: His plan's unlimited, Cora!
Cora: Nope...
Neal: Something tells me you're in on this too.
Cora: Very good observation, captain obvious.
Neal: Leave my son out of this!
Cora: I'm trying to make it easier for my grandson.
Neal: By geting him killed?!
Cora: Oh please, Regina The Hot Head will calm down soon.
Neal: Don't be so sure of that, Cora.
Cora: I think I know my daughter better than you do.
Neal: Maybe. But I know Regina's wrath better than you do.
Cora: You aren't a good judge of something scary. If I threw a worm on you, you'd scream bloody murder.
Neal: ONE TIME! That thing was slimy and disgusting.
Cora: Right...Catch you on the flip side wimp. And wear black to the wedding.
Neal: Wedding? What wedding?!

I'm sorry it's taken so long to update, I'm sick and taking medicine around the clock that makes me drowsy. I'm going to try and update this and my other stories soon.

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