Chapter 14

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Rumple, Belle & Neal

Rumple: Son, Belle and I have something to tell you.

Neal: What's up guys?

Belle: We're going to have a baby...

Rumple: Now son don't get hysterical.

Neal: A baby? Like, a human baby?

Belle: Yes?

Neal: How is that even- OH EW!

Rumple: Bae, focus! You're going to be a big brother and we're going to need all the help we can get!

Belle: And don't think we'll love you any less.

Neal: Guys, you can relax. I'm happy for you both. Congratulations!

Rumple: Really?

Neal: Really. I'm excited to be a big brother.

Belle: Oh Neal, I'm so relieved.

Rumple: I love you so much son. My first born. Nothing can ever change how much I love you.

Neal: I know Papa, I love you guys. I gotta go meet Emma and Hook for drinks. I'll talk to you later.

Belle: We love you too! Have fun.

Neal & Emma

Neal: HELP ME!

Emma: Neal?! What's wrong?!

Neal: My parents....

Emma: What?! What happened?

Neal: They're having a baby!

Emma: Seriously?! I wish you were here right now.

Neal: So you could hug me?

Emma: No! So I could slap you in the FACE! That's a good thing! You should be happy for them.

Neal: But it's so gross! To think they actually had..

Emma: STOP! Stop right there! I have my own issues I'm dealing with! I don't need to be reminded of them!

Neal: Oh that's right, I forgot you walked in on your parents twice. Pretty funny.

Emma: It'll be pretty funny when I kick your ass. Let's see if you laugh at that.

Neal: Love you too Emma.

Emma: Whatever. So are you going to be a good big brother?

Neal: I guess. I mean I am, like 300 years old now. I guess I'm mature enough.

Emma: Doubt it but we'll see. I'll be here to help you.

Neal: You will?

Emma: Of course. You forgot already? I'm a big sister too.

Neal: Right! Little Neal. Aww!

Emma: Don't.

Neal: But the name!

Emma: I'm turning my phone off now.

Neal: See you later cupcake!


Neal: Tis nothing sweeter than the taste of revenge.

Emma: You're gonna taste the back of my hand in a minute.

Neal: I like 'em feisty.

Zelena & Regina

Zelena: Green apples are soothing to the soul.

Regina: 1. How did you get my number? 2. How would you know? You have no soul.

Zelena: I have my ways. And I could say the same about you, dear sister. We're more alike than you think.

Regina: Mother gave it to you, didn't she? And I disagree, we're like fire and ice.

Zelena: Yes...But that isn't the point! And you're thinking of you vs Elsa. I don't carry ice powers.

Regina: I swear that woman loves to drive me CRAZY! Oh right, sorry about that.

Zelena: No worries dear, I'm sure she drives you up the wall a lot.

Regina: A lot? Try multiple times on a daily basis.

Zelena: Oh wow. Maybe you should look into putting her in one of those retirement homes I keep hearing about.

Regina: It's definitely a consideration.

Cora: Both of you spinsters can shove it! Insulting me....You should be ashamed! I'm but a poor old woman waiting for death to arrive.

Regina: He couldn't come soon enough.

Zelena: I am not a damn spinster! You old, saggy tit, crazy woman!

Regina: Oh shit...

Cora: What'd you say froggie?

Zelena: You read correctly!

Regina: I'm just gonna go cook apples or something...

Cora: I will beat you with my butter sock!

Zelena: Do it! It still won't make you a mother!

Cora: I cannot believe you! Insulting me! I could have a damn heart attack from all this stress!


Cora: Oh right. STILL! Just because I gave you away doesn't mean I didn't love you Zelena.

Zelena: Really?

Cora: Really. I wanted to keep you but I didn't have the money to take care of you. And when I got into power, I tried looking for you but I didn't have any luck.

Zelena: Then this changes everything. I'm sorry for what I said, mother.

Cora: It's alright dear. You're still better than ol' sassy Regina.

Regina: I saw that!

Zelena: What a lovely family moment.

Snow & Charming

Snow: Dear, have you seen Henry?

Charming: No. I thought he was with you.

Snow: Uh oh.

Charming: Snow! What happened?

Snow: He said he was going to come to the station to be with you.

Charming: Well he isn't here.

Snow: We have to find him!

Charming: Before Regina and Emma do!

Snow: I'll meet you in front of Granny's. We can start there.

Charming: Oh God Snow they're going to kill us. Especially Regina.

Snow: I'll make sure you stand in front of me and the baby.

Charming: Uh, how about no?

Snow: You're the man!

Charming: And?! I still value my life. Y'all are quick to say you can save yourselves but then when something bad happens you turn into the damsel in distress. Forget that shit.

Snow: ......You're sleeping on the couch tonight.

Charming: Damnit!

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