Chapter 5

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Regina & Henry

Regina: Henry, what are you doing?

Henry: Oh uh, at home doing homework. Why?

Regina: Are you telling me the truth?

Henry: Uh huh...

Regina: Son, why am I looking at you and those two goofball parents of yours?

Henry: What you see is an illusion! It's not real! Just go back to enjoying your date.

Regina: I never told you I was going on a date...

Henry: Uh oh.

Regina: Mhmm....We'll talk later. I want to talk to those two idiots first.

Henry: Sorry mom

Regina: Oh you will be. Go home, NOW!

Henry: Yes mom.

Regina & Emma & Neal

Regina: You two are by far the dumbest idiots I have ever encountered.

Neal: Is that a good thing?

Emma: No Neal. Ssh! Regina, what are you talking about?

Regina: I'm looking out the window of the restaurant and I see you in one bush and Neal in the other. Why?

Emma: Oh no reason, just hanging around...

Regina: Uh huh. Neal, why are you two out there? And why was Henry with you?


Neal: Emma, you know she's a snitch. Might as well come clean.

Emma: Fine. Regina we were spying on you.

Regina: WHAT! Why?!

Neal: Your chair is rigged, if you get up from it, you'll be soaked with a bucket of water and a pie to the face.

Regina: You two. I'm going to rearrange your organs! If I were you, I'd RUN.


Neal: Already down the street!

Emma: What?! You left me?!

Neal: Every man for himself Emma, you know the code.

Regina: Miss Swan, I suggest you find a better use for your free time before you're permanently placed in the hospital. This is your first and last warning. Don't do anything like this again. Understand?

Emma: You're gonna snitch, aren't you?

Regina: You bet your ass I am. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to resume my date. Goodnight.

Emma: Shit....

Neal & Emma

Neal: Emma, are you mad?

Emma: ......What do you think?

Neal: Yes?

Emma: DING DING! Correct. -_-

Neal: I'm sorry, Regina scares me

Emma: You have GOT to be kidding me. The woman is all bark and no bite! And you left me there all alone!

Neal: She's still scary. When her vein in her forehead starts bulging, scares the crap outta me. You never know if she'll explode.

Emma: Yeah...I guess you're right. That thing is scary.

Neal: I shouldn't have left you and I'm sorry. Let me make it up to you. Lunch at Granny's?

Emma: I would love to. But I have a feeling neither one of us will be going anywhere anytime soon.

Neal: Is she snitching?!

Emma: ....Yep. Uh oh, gotta go. My parental units are here and they don't sound too happy.

Neal: Good lu- Oh no. Papa...

Hook & Neal & Emma

Hook: Guys....

Neal: What's up Hook?

Emma: Why are you texting me at 2am?!?

Hook: I think you'll want to come see this.

Emma: What is it?! My pillow is quite comfortable right now.

Neal: I'm coming.

Emma: Ugh. I'm not moving, you two just describe it to me.

Hook: you wish love. Oh, Neal's here.

Emma: Good. Now what is it?

Neal: Oh no. Oh God Emma. You aren't going to believe this.

Emma: If one of you doesn't tell me what the hell is going on right now, I'm going back to sleep and ignoring you both.

Hook: There's a picture...Blown up to fit a billboard.

Neal: Emma, it's you and Regina


Hook: I'd rather not say. This is quite the awkward situation.

Neal: Omfg dude, this is going on Instagram.

Emma: I will BREAK ALL YOUR FINGERS IF YOU POST THAT! What the hell are we doing in this picture?!

Neal: Making out in your underwear.

Emma: WHAT?!?? I CAN'T BREATHE....

Hook: I can't either, laughing too much!

Emma: I'ma have a heart attack. WHO PUT THAT UP THERE?!

Neal: Someone who doesn't like you or Regina. You might want to come see if you can get it down.

Emma: Regina....-____- This isn't over damnit. I'll be there in a few minutes.

Hook: Better hurry love. You know people start moving around in a few hours and soon the whole town will see.

Neal: I want to meet the person who did this. They are a genius.

Emma: Choke on air...

Hook: But wait, is it real?

Emma: You did not just ask me that dumb ass question...

Hook: I'll take that as a no then.

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