Chapter 12

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Henry & Emma

Henry: Mom!
Emma: Kid?! Are you okay?
Henry: I'm not sure. Where are you?
Emma: I'm headed to Boston, why?
Henry: Can you take me with you?
Emma: Henry, it would be a big risk if I came to get you...
Henry: Please mom. I hear laughing in the background, I'm scared!
Emma: Ugh fine! Be waiting outside when I get there.
Henry: Wait no! Abort! She's co-
Emma: HENRY! Not you too!
Cora:'re up shit creek.
Emma: Tell me something I don't know.
Cora: Regina is on her way. She's been tracking you the whole time you were texting Henry.
Emma: WAIT WHAT! Shit!
Cora: Oh yeah. I suggest you get your affairs in order. I'll deliver your eulogy at your funeral. I'll fall all over the casket as well, I'll be as dramatic as possible.
Emma: You're SUCH a big help Cora, thank you.
Cora: You're welcome dear!
Emma: I was being sarcastic...
Cora: That's why she's behind you.
Emma: DON'T DO THAT! I'm paranoid enough as it is!
Cora: Then bring your crazy ass home. And they say I'm the insane one.
Emma: Alright fine! I give up! I'm coming home.
Cora: Wise choice but Regina is still coming to get you. As a matter of fact, she should be walking up right now.
Emma: I told you not to- Oh shit. Wai-
Cora: Poor Blondie...

Hook & Neal

Hook: Neal, mate! Are you okay?!
Neal: I...No.
Hook: What did she do to you?
Neal: I'm hanging upside down on a hook. You?
Hook: I was forced to watch something called My Little Ponies...
Neal: MY LITTLE PONIES! Are you a brony now?
Hook: What kind of bloody question is that?! Of course!
Neal: Bronies for life! Wait I hear Cora.
Hook: She's coming to beat you with the sock full of butter!
Hook: I can't! Now I'm being forced to watch Dora the Explorer!
Neal: Swiper no swiping! Cora not hittin- OW!
Hook: Stay strong mate! You can do it!

Cora, Emma, Regina & Snow

Cora: Blondie, you recovering alright?
Emma: ......I have nothing to say to any of you.
Regina: Oh Miss Swan don't be like that. I was only doing what I was asked.
Snow: Hopefully you've learned your lesson.
Emma: So making me walk in on you and dad having....I can't even
Cora: THAT WAS YOUR PUNISHMENT?! I think I may die laughing. WOOO!
Regina: Mother, be nice.
Emma: I wish I was blind!
Snow: Hehe...
Regina: I think the role of evil has changed. Snow, that was pretty evil.
Snow: I know! I'm so proud of myself!
Emma: I'm going to go jump off the clock tower.
Cora: Bring me some donuts before you do!
Regina: Miss Swan come by my office and let's have a chat.
Emma: Are you sure that's all we're going to do? This isn't part of a scheme right?
Regina: I promise all we'll do is talk.
Emma: Oh geez...
Snow: I'm with the Captain! Viva La SwanQueen!
Cora: You say what you want, I know in my heart that my ship will sail!
Emma: I'm bringing rum.
Regina: Bring two bottles please.
Emma: You got it sassy pants.

Robin & Regina

Robin: Hello sweet maiden of mine.
Regina: Hello my prince of the forest.
Robin: I was wondering if I could see you tonight.
Regina: As lovely as that sounds, I'm afraid I just made plans with Emma. She and I need to talk about some things.
Robin: Is everything okay?
Regina: Yes of course. We just need to discuss Henry and living arrangements.
Robin: Alright, perhaps tomorrow then.
Regina: Sounds perfect dear.
Cora: Stop the lies!
Robin: Lies about what?
Cora: She's going on a date with her true love!
Regina: Mother I swear....
Robin: Her true love? Regina is this true?
Regina: Of course not! We are not going on a date nor are we each other's true love. Emma and I are simply family.
Henry: She admitted it! We're family!
Cora: In yo face PINE BOY!
Robin: This is all so confusing.
Regina: HENRY! Damn it! You are in so much trouble I can't even begin to explain what I'm going to do to you! And mother! You just wait and see what I do to you! Robin, trust me when I say I love you.
Cora: Yell at Henry and me all you want but that isn't going to change the fact that Pine Boy has been hanging out with his wife.
Regina: Excuse me?
Robin: How did you know that?!
Henry: We have eyes everywhere chump!
Regina: Henry! Enough! Robin. Explain.
Cora: Yeah chump! Explain!
Robin: Marian and I were just talking things over. I told her how much I loved you and that I moved on. She told me to be happy and take care of our son and then she passed away in my arms. Her heart gave out.
Cora: Must've been the pine cone smell...
Regina: Mother will you shut the hell up?! Robin I am so sorry. Truly sorry.
Robin: You know what you old bat! You have been giving me hell since day one! I love your daughter so build yourself a goddamn bridge and get over it!
Henry: Daaaaaaaamnnn
Cora: What the hell did you just say to me? You must've lost your mind but I'm going to help you find it after I kick your ass.
Regina: STOP!
Robin: Bring it on old woman!
Cora: I got your old!
Regina: I'm pregnant!
Robin: ......Huh?!
Henry: Wtf....
Cora: AW HELL NAW....

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