Chapter 4

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Hook & Tinkerbell

Hook: Tink, my dear old friend

Tink: What do you want?

Hook: Now what makes you think I want something?

Tink: Hook, I'm not stupid. You always come to me when you want something, so cut to the chase.

Hook: Okay. I really need you help with something.

Tink: What?

Hook: Well, you know how I like Emma right?

Tink: I think the whole town knows that, but yes. Go on.

Hook: I could use your help with getting her something special. I was thinking rum...

Tink: If you give that woman rum, I will take that bottle and smash you over the head with it. Women like romance Hook, not drunks.

Hook: So you'll help me?

Tink: I suppose so. In return, I want you help me get a date with someone.

Hook: Ooo, you fancy someone? Who?

Tink: I'll tell you when the time comes.

Hook: Deal. Thanks Tink.

Tink: You're welcome. You know you're like a brother to me. The only family I have left.

Hook: Ay, same with me, lass. You're the only one I know I can count on no matter what.

Tink: Love you goofball.

Hook: Love you too!

Cora & Regina

Cora: Regina?

Regina: Yes mother?

Cora: Is the microwave supposed to be on fire?

Regina: No...why?

Cora: Oh, no reason. Just curious. But if it was, how would you go about putting it out?


Cora: Gina calm down, I got this. I'll use magic.

Regina: NO DON'T! Just let me call someone to come and fix it, okay?

*10 minutes go by*

Regina: Mother?

Cora: Fixed it. I sent it somewhere else.

Regina: And where exactly is that?

Cora: Not sure. But where ever it is, it's someone else's problem now.

Regina: Oh God. I have got to get you somewhere else to live.

Robin & Regina

Robin: Uhm Regina?

Regina: Oh hey Robin. What's wrong?

Robin: I know I'm still getting used to living in the modern world but is there supposed to be a flaming metal box outside my door?

Regina: Oh my gosh Robin, no. I'm so sorry about that. That's my mother's fault. I'll have the fire department come handle it.

Robin: Oh okay. It's all good. I can't wait to see you tonight.

Regina: I can't wait to see you either. I need to smile right about now and you can always make me smile.

Robin: I'm glad I can. You make my heart skip a beat. The good skip a beat though.

Regina: You always know what to say. See you soon handsome.

Robin: I'll be counting the minutes beautiful.

Henry, Emma & Neal

Henry: Mom? Dad?

Emma: Kid? Why are we in a group text?

Neal: What's up pal?

Henry: I wanted to talk to both of you without repeating myself. Operation Tarantula is in action.

Neal: Really?! They're on the move?

Emma: We better get moving then. There's no time to waste!

Henry: Yes, I spotted them a few minutes ago. I'll meet you guys by Granny's. Kiddo out.

Neal: Emma, you sure we should be doing this?

Emma: Tis nothing sweeter than the taste of revenge.

Neal: What? I'm confused. Since when do you eat revenge?

Emma: *facepalm* YES WE ARE DOING THIS.

Neal: It's just, last time you got me in trouble with my dad and I'll be grounded if I get in trouble again.

Emma: It will be fine Neal. And if you get grounded, I'll reward your bravery with a kiss.

Henry: Eeeewwwww!!!

Neal: Yes! And how do you think you got here Henry? Plenty of kisses if you know what I mean.

Emma: ...........You did not just tell our 13 year old son that

Henry: I'm gonna puke. Just hurry up before they leave!

Neal: Right. Sorry. On my way.

Emma: Almost there kid. I just needed to stop and grab a drink. Your dad threw me off for a second.

Neal: Love you too Em. This is going to be EPIC!

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