Chapter 6

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Emma & Regina


Regina: Miss Swan it is 5 in the morning. What the hell do you want?

Emma: Look out of your window.

Regina: And why should I do that?

Emma: Your picture is on a billboard.

Regina: WHAT?!

Emma:Just get your ass up and see for yourself.

Regina: IS THAT US?!?

Emma: From the looks of it, yep.

Regina: KISSING?!?



Emma: Regina....So I take it you knew nothing about this?

Regina: OF COURSE NOT! Why the hell would I allow something like this to be broadcasted.

Emma: Well you obviously have someone who you've pissed off.

Regina: They must be pissed at you too. And they got the picture all wrong, my underwear is always a shade of red or black, not purple.

Emma: That's too much information Madame Mayor

Regina: Oh please, we're both adults here. Moving on, please get rid of the picture before our son sees it.

Emma: Not to worry, I have Hook and Neal here to help.

Regina: Oh those two imbeciles aren't capable of tying their own shoes, let alone get rid of something this important.

Emma: You're more than welcome to do this yourself then.

Regina: No, you three handle it, I have more important things to do, like sleep.

Emma: Right. I'm missing out on sleep because you pissed someone off and they took revenge on us both.

Regina: Goodnight Miss Swan. And if anyone sees that, you don't want to know what I will do.

Emma: Oooo shaking in my boots and leather jacket.

Robin & Regina

Robin: Good morning beautiful

Regina: And a good morning to you too handsome

Robin: Quick question sweetie

Regina: Yes dear?

Robin: Is that a picture of you and Emma on that billboard?

Regina: Excuse me?!

Robin: I don't mean any harm. It's just that it looks a lot like you except I know you like red and black more than purple


Robin: Yeah....I'm looking at it right now. Hook and Neal are trying to get it down and Emma's guiding them but it looks like they are struggling. I'll go help.

Regina: No need. Just step back.

Robin: Wh-.......did you feel that random earthquake? Hey! The billboard is on fire!

Regina: Nope and good.

Robin: It literally just happened 30 seconds ago

Regina: Guess I was too busy doing something else

Robin: You caused it didn't you?

Regina: Maybe. Maybe not.

Robin: You're so sexy when you're mad.

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