4 ; tinngun (msp)

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on a beautiful tuesday afternoon, they walked into tinn's coffee shop. they were always hanging out and ordering the same drinks as always, whenever they came in. "hello! the usual, please." tinn knew that they were a popular music group called 'chinzhilla' and he knew their order by heart. "so... three latte macchiatos, one cappuccino for you, one caffè mocha, and one strong espresso for you. there you go, boys." tinn gave every band member their coffee and walked away from their table. "we're men!"

tinn chuckled softly, shaking his head at the band members' comment. tinn was glad, they were coming to his coffee shop. they seemed to love his coffee, but their visits often involved childish behavior, such as spilling coffee and staining the tables. he had never asked for their names, yet he knew which coffee belonged to whom, he noticed their faces, how they walked, how they talked, who was clumsy and spilling coffee while knowing who was silent and calm.

"oh win, what's wrong with you? you are spilling your coffee. that poor guy has to clean after you once again," the guy with the espresso yelled, shaking his head. he was the one who always picked unnecessary fights with... win. apparently. tinn felt sorry for the band member and wanted to ease his discomfort. "hey, it's fine!" he said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood. "i already knew this was going to happen."

win mumbled an apology, fidgeting with his hands and avoiding eye contact with tinn. it was obvious that win felt embarrassed. tinn giggled, "i told you that it's fine. don't worry." as tinn was cleaning the table, he noticed one of the band members staring at him.

"you're cute."

everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to look at the guy who had just complimented tinn out of nowhere. tinn, completely taken aback, blushed and stuttered, "eh, thank you?"

why was he blushing for a stranger? he couldn't understand his own reaction. maybe it was the stranger's captivating smile that made his heart skip a beat. or perhaps it was the way their eyes met for a brief moment. as he tried to figure out his own feelings, he struggled to come up with a good response, distracted by gun's handsome face.

"aw, you're blushing. so cute."

"gun! stop," his friend whispered, though loud enough for tinn to hear. tinn giggled once more, feeling both embarrassed and awkward. yet, he couldn't control his blushing and giggling. "why should i stop? his giggle is adorable. am i not allowed to give him compliments now? besides, it's the truth."

"thanks? i gotta go back to work now." tinn was completely red by now and gun only smirked, looking very proud of himself, "alright, sweetheart." tinn smiled awkwardly and walked away from their table. from afar, he could hear the band members, except for gun, yell out in embarrassment, "gun!"

tinn couldn't lie. he found gun very pretty and absolutely cute. he noticed gun the minute gun walked into his cafe for the first time. he was serious but not too serious, loud but not a bother, funny, and responsible.

gun was perfect.

"dude! we gotta go, our show is starting soon," win said. perhaps tinn should stop watching them, cease listening to their conversation, and instead focus on getting some work done. however, gun's breathtaking beauty captivated him so much that he couldn't tear his eyes away.

"alright, let me pay and then we are good to go." gun went over to tinn, "hi there! here's your money and my phone number. don't be shy and text me, sweet boy. it'd make me very happy," he smiled and left.

tinn couldn't even react since gun was basically running away from him. tinn understood that he might have to leave because their concert was starting soon, but damn, he wanted at least to reply to him.

but tinn couldn't wait to text him.

throughout the rest of the day, tinn found himself stealing glances at the slip of paper in his pocket; each glance made him smile. he couldn't help but feel like he had won the lottery by getting a cute guy's number.

as the hours passed, tinn closed his shop, went home, and finally was able to text gun. pulling out his phone, his fingers trembling slightly, he wanted to type but hesitated for just a moment. tinn was always the 'loser' in high school. whenever he had a crush on someone, he got rejected. he never had any friends except for his two best friends, tiwson and kajorn.

but this time it was different. he got a compliment. that made tinn's confidence stronger than ever, and he began typing out the perfect message,

to gun (cute guy)

hi gun, it's tinn from the coffee shop. i just wanted to say thank u for thinking i'm cute 😊 i'd like to get to know u better if u r up for it

with a deep breath, tinn hit send, feeling nervous yet very excited. he stared at his phone for half an hour before deciding to stop waiting and go to bed.

disappointed, tinn slipped into his pajamas and closed his eyes, hoping he would get a reply from gun in the morning. little did he know, gun was busy jumping on his bed out of excitement. gun was happy that he finally received a message from the cute guy from the cafe, whom he had secretly admired from afar for so long.

maybe instead of annoying his band members about his crush, gun could talk to them about his boyfriend, confident that tinn would soon become his boyfriend.

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