20 ; palmnueng (nlmg)

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nueng's birthday was coming up and palm wanted to make it a special day for his boyfriend.

palm had been planning for weeks and had arranged a surprise birthday party for nueng. he had invited all of nueng's friends and had bought him a special birthday present. palm knew nueng loved flowers so he had ordered a bouquet of his favorite flowers and had them delivered to him in the morning.

nueng woke up to the beautiful bouquet of flowers and a note from palm wishing him a happy birthday. nueng was touched by the gesture and couldn't wait to see what surprise palm had for him.

after nueng got ready to go, palm picked him up early in the morning and blindfolded him. nueng was a little confused but palm reassured him that it was all part of the surprise. they drove for what seemed like hours and nueng was getting more and more excited.

palm took nueng out for a romantic dinner at their favorite restaurant. the atmosphere was perfect with candles flickering and soft music playing in the background. they enjoyed a delicious meal and had a drink or two.

as they finished their meal, palm blindfolded nueng once again and led him to a nearby park. when they arrived, palm removed the blindfold and nueng was surprised to see all of his friends including his cousin, chopper gathered around and singing happy birthday to him.

palm bought a birthday cake and had even hired a band to play nueng's favorite songs. nueng was overwhelmed with happiness as he hugged palm tightly, thanking him for the wonderful surprise.

they spent the rest of the night dancing under the stars and enjoying each other's company. nueng knew he was lucky to have someone like palm in his life and he couldn't wait to see what the future held for them.

as they left the party, palm handed nueng his present. nueng opened it to find a beautiful watch that he had been eyeing for months. nueng was speechless and overwhelmed with emotion. he hugged palm tightly, knowing that this was a birthday he would never forget.

nueng couldn't believe that after what happenend with his dad and his uncle, he still found light in his life. his light was palm. he was forever thankful to have someone like palm by his side.

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