38 ; waykim (the shipper)

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; what if kim didn't pass away?

kims pov

it's been a while since i've woken up from the coma. i've never been the same. i couldn't help but feel weird. lost. it was like the world was unknown. it wasn't mine. maybe i should've died after all?

one thing i know for sure is that i missed way. so much. a lot actually. i couldn't tell him how i felt bc i was such a coward. but i love him and i can't lose him again so i have to tell him.

nobody visited me since ive woken up but that's because nobody knows yet. i haven't told anyone. not even my own brother, khett or my parents. i feel so weird, i didn't want to bother anyone and just figure shit out. on my own.

i remembered the accident. i hope pan is not hurt or anything. i couldn't help but blame myself for the accident. i shouldn't have taken her with me. what if something terrible happened to her?

i looked at my phone, seeing many messages from people that i didn't know, texting me how much they missed me and wanted to see me. i didn't know who they were. this was not my phone.

"hi," i texted my brother. i was scared he was going to have a heart attack, seeing my text but that was the only contact on this strange phone that i knew.

"p'kim? you're awake? i'll be right there!!! WAIT FOR ME," he texted.

so, i am going to see my brother again. after a year in a coma and horrible nightmares, i couldn't wake up from. i didn't know what to say or do. should i hug him? smile at him? say hello and wave?

one hour later, he came into my room. "p'kim? p'kim, wow. i missed you so much. i can't believe you are finally awake. i thought you were gone."

i was completely confused. why was my brother missing me? what the hell happened when i was gone? did he suddenly notice how much he loved me when he thought i might die?

"are you okay, p'kim?" i nodded to my brother, hugging him back. it was a strange feeling but it felt like home.

"what the hell is happening right now? why are you hugging me? what the fuck." khett looked at me, wiping away his tears. "you have to look in the mirror, p'kim." what and why.

still confused but decided to trust my brother, i looked in the mirror, seeing pan. i gasped.
what the actual fuck.

is this another nightmare that i'm having?
can i wake up? this is impossible.

"you're in pan's body, she's in yours. she was in your body the whole time, pretending she was you. don't be mad at her, she couldn't do anything. she woke up in your body after the accident and just went with it. she never meant this to happen."

"this is a dream," i said to myself but loud enough for khett to listen, "no, it is not. i'm sorry."

after that day, khett went home on his own since i couldn't leave the hospital yet. but i was convinced, this was all just a terrible nightmare. but i couldn't wake up. i didn't know what to do.

"p'kim," a male voice said. my voice said. i looked up and saw my body. i saw me. what the fuck? is this pan in my body? this is getting weird. "hi."

after she explained everything, i felt a bit relieved. she made me feel not so crazy. hearing everything she went through when i was in a coma was a horrible thing to listen to. i felt sorry for her. she did all this by herself. she could've destroyed my body and chose not to. but why would she? it's pan. she's so loving and caring. the fact she didn't mess with way even though she loved him says a lot.


i miss him. i miss him so much.

"we have to switch bodies, pan. i want to talk to way again," i told her and she nodded.

she told me about the angel of death and how they are the only solution. they were the angel that we both met when we got into the accident. they were always by pan's side when i was gone and they helped her through everything.

"so when's the angel showing up?" she shrugged her shoulders, "i don't know, p'kim."

after a few days, they showed up and explained they figured out how we could easily switch our bodies so we did. the angel of death went back to their home after we said our goodbyes.

"way!" i texted my best friend and secret crush after i got my phone back. i could finally see him again.

when we met, we both cried. it was emotional but we didn't really care that tears were involved. i missed him badly and i'm glad that way felt the same way. i hope he loves me too.

„i love you, way. i missed you so much. being in a coma was terrible. it was lonely. i can't do this anymore. i want you to be mine. is that ok with you? if not, we can stay friends." i could feel my cheeks getting red.

but he smiled and said, "i love you too." he went closer to me, closed the last few centimeters and kissed me on the lips.

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