43 ; northnight (23.5)

152 8 0

angst (kinda)

nights pov

never in a million years have i doubted north. i don't understand why i would now. but i do. he always made sure, i knew that i was the only one for him and i believed every word he said. until now. now that i see him being so close to his girl best friend, ongsa... something changed. they were just friends but would a friend touch your cheek like that?

when the distance between north and ongsa seemed too close, i couldn't bear it any longer. i pulled north aside, my voice trembling with the weight of my emotions. "p'north, can we talk?" north rolled his eyes and my heart dropped. but north still got up and followed me, him obviously annoyed. or maybe it's just my insecure mind tricking me? "what's wrong, dude?" i opened my mouth just to close it again. why isn't he calling me baby?

i tried to ignore the ache in my heart as i confessed, "i can't help but feel jealous when i see you with p'ongsa. i know she's your best friend, but it just hurts and it makes me feel like i'm not enough." i saw him rolling his eyes again, "that's why you so rude to her? you didn't even speak to her and she's going to think she did something wrong. you are so useless. fuck you, night." my heart broke.

suddenly, i saw ongsa next to north, taking his hand in hers. how could she be here so fast? "i'm so much better than you, night." tears were falling down my cheeks as i saw my boyfriend and his friend laugh at my face. "you will never be enough,"ongsa said. north laughed with her, "yeah, wake up!" 

i opened my eyes, my body drenched in sweat, my heart pounding in my chest as i saw north standing there with a concerned look on his face, "baby, are you okay? you are crying." i touched my cheek as i felt it being wet. i closed my eyes and took a deep breath as i realized that was all just a stupid nightmare. "p'north," i whispered.

"shh, it's alright. i'm here now, my love. what did you dream about?" north took me in his arms. "p'ongsa and you... were close and-"

i felt so stupid. ongsa was just his friend but i couldn't help but feel jealous everytime they were together while i was home alone. "both of you laughed at me and she said that i wasn't good enough for you and you agreed with her. you called me useless. please, don't love her more, p'. i'll do anything to be enough for you," i begged him. it got awkward for a moment as neither of us talked.

then, north began to laugh.

my heart sank. is he seriously mocking me? is this another nightmare? i couldn't help but cry. i turned away, feeling ashamed and hurt. north, realizing his mistake, immediately reached out to comfort me. he cupped my cheek gently, turning my face back toward him. "no, no, i didn't mean it like that, baby," north whispered, his voice soft and sincere. "i just find you adorable. i promise, i'm not laughing at you." i pouted as he chuckled,

"ongsa is a lesbian, baby."


one shots - thai BL/GLМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя