6 ; onoekaburagi (candy color paradox)

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request from my friend again
this is not a thai drama but a j-drama!

onoes pov

kaburagi and i were a dynamic duo. we were working together as journalist and photographer for a popular magazine called dash! even though i originally was a reporter for politics.

i was the ambitious journalist with a clever mind and a passion for finding a story in even the most unlikely places and my coworker named kaburagi was a talented photographer with an eye for detail and a passion for capturing pictures.

we were both amazing at what we did and our work together was magical.

even though we were spending long hours together on assignments, we were professional. we respected each other's work and admired each other's talents but we never let our feelings get in the way of our work.

while working on a assignment together as usual, kaburagi accidentally brushed against my hand. in that moment, i felt a spark. something i had never felt before. he was suppose to be a friend.

nothing more, nothing less.

yet we continued to work, i found myself stealing glances at him and he looked back at me and our conversations became more personal. i realized that i had more in common with him than just our passion for journalism. we shared a love of art, music and books.

kaburagi asked, "do you maybe want to grab a drink with me?" i hesitated for a moment. was this suppose to be a date or just a hang out? but i decided to give him a chance and agreed.

over drinks, we talked about everything, from our families and friends to our hopes and dreams. we laughed so much, we didn't notice that it was getting pretty late.

as we walked out of the bar, kaburagi took my hand and looked into my eyes. "i know this may sound sudden, but i've fallen in love with you," he said.

my heart skipped a beat and for a moment, i was speechless. was that suppose to happen?

i couldn't handle it any longer and smiled and said, "i think i've fallen in love with you too."

i was scared that our work was going to be in our way but lucky as we are we continued to work together and were better than ever.

now we were also partners in love.

we traveled the world, covering stories for dash! and as we did, we fell more deeply in love with each other.

we knew that our love had been born out of a shared passion for our work but our relationship proved that sometimes the best love stories are the ones that are unexpected.

love and work can coexist and it can create something truly beautiful.

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