12 ; tiwpor (msp)

184 5 0


tiws pov

por and i met in college and fell in love. we were both very young but our love for each other was real. we spent every moment we could together, exploring the city, collecting new memories and dreaming of our future together.

after we graduated, we moved in together and started building a life. we both got jobs and were excited about the future. we talked about getting married and starting a family but life had other plans.

one day, my boyfriend got sick. it was sudden and unexpected and it hit us both hard. we went to the doctor and found out that por had a rare disease that was incurable. we were devastated but we refused to give up.

i quit my job to take care of my boyfriend. i was always by his side, holding his hand and trying to make him smile. we spent our days watching movies, reading books and talking about our hopes and dreams for the future. we both knew that our time together was limited but we were determined to make the most of it.

as the months passed, por's condition got worse. he was in constant pain and i could see that he was suffering. we both knew that the end was near but we weren't ready to say goodbye yet.

one night, as we lay in bed together, por took his last breath. i was devastated. it felt like my world had ended. i spent months grieving and trying to find a way to move on but i couldn't. i missed Por every moment of everyday.

"i miss you so much, love." i said, looking at por's picture on his gravestone. por. 2002-2027. he was only 25 years old. so young and full of life. he never deserved that.

i will never love again. he's the one for me. only him. and i can't love anyone else.

eventually, i learned to live without my lover but i never forgot him. i kept his memory alive by talking about him, looking at pictures and cherishing the time we had together. even though our love story didn't have a happy ending, it was still a beautiful and meaningful one.

one shots - thai BL/GLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon