34 ; watnamo (the eclipse)

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third pov

wat had always had a bit of a crush on his teacher sani but he never acted on it because he didn't want to risk ruining her life.

after all, she was a teacher.

now that wat, namo and their friends are out of high school, she's not their teacher anymore so it wouldn't ruin her image but it'd still be weird since they are now close friends.

one day, wat and teacher sani were talking about wat's new idea for his next short movie when namo showed up unexpectedly. he could tell that something was bothering wat so he asked, "what's wrong, wat? i can see that you aren't ok."

wat told namo about his feelings for sani but he also mentioned that he wasn't sure if she felt the same way and if he should tell her since the age gap is so big between them.

namo felt his heart sink. he had been secretly in love with his friend for years and he couldn't bear the thought of wat being with someone else. he knew that if wat and sani got together, it would break his heart but he couldn't bear to see wat unhappy either.

over the next few days, namo couldn't stop thinking about wat. he realized that he couldn't keep his feelings for wat bottled up any longer. he knew he had to tell wat how he felt. even if it means risking their friendship.

one evening, namo asked wat to meet him at their favorite coffee shop. when wat arrived, he could tell that something was different about namo. namo took a deep breath and confessed his feelings for wat.

wat was shocked but also relieved. he had always had a suspicion that namo might be into men and he had even suspected that namo might have feelings for him since he liked to flirt with him a lot. but he had never expected namo to be so brave and to come out to him.

he was so proud of namo.

after some talking, wat realized that his feelings for sani had started to fade. he realized that he had been so focused on his crush on her that he had failed to notice the true feelings he had for namo. how he loved being with his friend and how much he enjoyed his company.

in the end, wat and namo decided to give their relationship a chance.

they knew that it wouldn't be easy and they would have to deal with judgment from some family members like wat's parents but they also knew that their friends would never judge them in any way and that was all they cared about. and what's wrong with liking men anyway? nothing.

sani was happy for wat and namo when they told her about their relationship. she had suspected that wat and namo might have feelings for each other and she was glad to see them both happy.

sometimes love can come from unexpected places. they had been friends for years but they had never realized the depth of their feelings for each other. but now that they had found each other, they knew that they would never let go.

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