30 ; gramyok (not me)

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yoks pov

gram and i met each other a long time ago and had been through thick and thin together. gram is in a relationship with his girlfriend eugene for several years and i've always been happy for him.

however, as time went on, i began to realize that my feelings for gram were more than just friendship.

i tried my best to ignore my feelings, telling myself that it was just a passing crush. but the more i saw gram with his girlfriend, the more i realized that i was in love with him. it was a painful realization, knowing that the person i loved was with someone else but i couldn't help how i felt.

as time went on, i found it harder and harder to keep my feelings to himself. i would steal glances at gram, hoping that he wouldn't notice. i would listen intently to gram's stories and laughing at his jokes. i knew that i was falling deeper in love with gram every day but i didn't know what to do about it.

meanwhile, gram had no idea how i felt about him. he was happy with gene and had never considered anything else. but he definitely noticed that i was distant. he tried to talk to me about it but i always brushed it off, saying that i was just tired.

one day, while we were out for a walk, i couldn't keep it in any longer. i turned to gram and said, "i need to tell you something. i know you are with gene, but i can't help how i feel. i'm in love with you."

gram was shocked and speechless and said, "i need time to think, i'm sorry."

days went by and eventually, we sat down and gram said, "look, i care about you but i'm not in love with you." in that moment my heart broke but i have to respect gram's feelings. i wish him and gene all the happiness in the world, even though it hurt me to see them together. "...yet"

i looked at gram, confused. "what do you mean?" gram giggled, "gene and i had thinking about breaking up for a while since i noticed that i didn't like women in that way. so, we can try and go out? i don't know if you still want to..."

my eyes begin to sparkle, "yes, of course!"

gram and i went out and we had a great time. he decided to give us a chance so now we are in the talking phase. that's a good start.

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