10 ; morkpi (futs)

242 6 0

light angst (?)

morks pov

i am the most popular guy in school. i'm confident, athletic, and somehow had a magnetic personality that drew people to me. everyone wanted to be my friend and all the girls wanted to date me.

but all i ever wanted was him.

pi pattawee was the complete opposite of me. he's the quiet type of guy and very insecure. he didn't fit in with any particular group. he was often picked on by the others in school and he didn't have many friends except for me, my best friend mueang nan, his brother duean, my brother meen and his brother's "kitty gang" friends.

but despite all that, pi had a kind heart and a gentle spirit. he had a creative side and he was such a clever guy. and that made me fall for him.

after ages of tying to win his heart and make him mine, i finally succeed and he was my boyfriend.

we started spending more time together and we developed a deeper connection than before. we would stay up late into the night talking about everything and anything and i would show pi a side of life he had never seen before. pi started to feel like he belonged somewhere and he started to believe that maybe he was worthy of love after all.

but as our relationship progressed, pi's insecurities started to surface. he couldn't shake the feeling that i was only with him out of pity or that i'd eventually leave him for someone more popular. i tried my best to show him that he was loved by me, even with all his flaws but it was never enough.

in the end, pi's insecurities drove a wedge between us. he started pushing me away. convinced that i'd end up hurting him, he broke up with me. i was feeling confused, lonely and broken.

even though, i loved my boyfriend with all my heart and could never hurt him, i understood where pi was coming from. i didn't want to force pi into a relationship he wasn't ready for.

we went our separate ways and i was left to pick up the pieces of my broken heart. i realized that pi needed to work on his insecurities if he ever wanted to be happy with himself.

i would always cherish the memories we shared and be happy for him if he finds someone new but i will always have a little hope in me that destiny will bring him back to me, when he's ready to love again.

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