17 ; chopperben (nlmg)

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bens pov

chopper and i had been together for a year when we decided to move from our homeland of thailand to england. i have always dreamed of studying music in europe while chopper wanted to stay by my side and pursue a career in finance. we saw it as a fresh start, a chance to leave our past behind and start a new life together.

the first few months were tough. we had to adjust to a new culture, a new language and a new way of life. but we were in it together and that made all the difference. we explored the city together, went to concerts and tried new foods. we were happy but there was always a lingering feeling of homesickness.

one night, we sat on a park bench overlooking the thames river, watching the boats go by. chopper turned to me and asked, "do you ever miss home?" i nodded. "sometimes. but i don't regret coming here. i love it here with you." chopper smiled. "me too. i don't miss the old life. it was too hard."

he leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. "we can make a new life here and we can be happy." chopper nodded and we sat there, holding hands. we were grateful for each other, for the love that we shared. we knew that we had found something special, something worth holding onto.

as we settled into our new home, chopper and i have tried to forget about our past and focus on building our future together. we were happy and in love and it felt like anything was possible.

but as the days went by, i realized that our past was not so easily forgotten. we both had old wounds that had never fully healed and we found ourselves struggling to move on from the traumas of our past. especially chopper since his dad was a terrible man; a murderer and an abuser.

one day, as we were walking through a park, chopper stopped and looked at me. "i don't want to forget our past," he said. "i want to confront it together. i want to make peace with it and move on as a couple." i looked at him and nodded. "i feel the same way," i said. "i don't want to keep running away from our past. i want to face it head-on and move on with you by my side."

we spent the next few weeks talking about our past, sharing our fears and our pain. we cried together, laughed together and held each other close. we realized that our love was strong enough to overcome anything.

even the traumas of our past.

as we moved forward, chopper and i continued to support each other, to love each other and to build a future that was brighter and happier than our past.

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