5 ; takaraamagi (takara-kun & amagi-kun)

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a request from my friend <3
ps. it's a j-drama not thai

amagis pov

i was a student at a high school in japan. i don't really have any friends though i really loved to be friends with a boy named takara.

takara and i are both in the same class but we aren't friends. takara was the captain of the basketball team while i was more of a bookworm, always buried in a novel. cliché.

during lunch break, i found takara sitting alone in the school courtyard, feeling a bit lost. which is weird since he has a lot of friends and even a girlfriend! he looked sad so i decided to walk by and talk to him. "hi," i said.

"are you alright?"

takara looked up and was a bit surprised and confused to see me talking to him which i don't blame him for since we never really talked before.

takara told me all about his breakup with his now ex girlfriend, doi and how he was feeling. now i know why he looked sad and was alone.

i listened to every word he said with empathy. i felt so sorry for him. it seems like he was in love with her and thought she was the one for him. i'm glad takara felt understood and comfortable around me and talking to me about his feelings.

since then, we quickly became friends. we started hanging out during lunch breaks and even outside of school. and how i loved being with him.

as the weeks went by, i started to realize that my feelings for takara were more romantic than platonic. i couldn't get him out of my head and i found myself daydreaming about him.

takara and i were studying together in the library and i just couldn't keep my feelings bottled up any longer. i took a deep breath and confessed my feelings to takara even when it meant, i could lose him as a good friend.

"takara... i really like you. i'm sorry if that means, i ruined my friendship with you but i just can keep it inside me. i have feelings for you. i'm sorry."

takara looks surprised but didn't seem upset. in fact, he smiled and leaned in for a kiss. i did not expect that at all. my heart was racing as crazy as we kissed and from that moment i knew that i found the one.

since that day, we were a couple.

we were spending most of our days studying and talking about literally everything that came into our heads. he showed me how to play basketball and if i wanted to read, he wanted to read with me.

but of course our relationship was not without challenges as we faced homophobia from some of our classmates and even takara's old friends and ex who didn't understand our love.
we didn't care.

we knew that we were meant to be together and that was all that mattered.

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