13 ; guncher (abaab)

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cher and i were a married couple who had been together for several years and married for a few months. we had built a life together and our love had grown stronger with each passing day. but one day, our world was turned upside down.

my husband, cher was driving home from work when he was involved in a car accident. cher was rushed to the hospital in critical condition. i was devastated and immediately rushed to the hospital to be by his side.

as i sat by cher's bedside, i prayed that my husband would wake up but days turned into weeks and there was no change in his condition. he was in a coma and the doctors weren't sure if he would ever wake up. i was heartbroken.

i can't imagine life without cher. we had shared so many happy moments together and the thought of losing him was unbearable but i refused to give up. i stayed by cher's side day and night, talking to him, holding his hand and hoping for a miracle.

months passed, and my love for him never faded. i kept being by his side, hoping that he would wake up. and then, one day, it happened. cher opened his eyes and looked into my tearful eyes. it was a moment of pure joy and i just couldn't believe it.

cher's recovery was slow but he had me by his side every step of the way. with time, cher regained his strength and was finally able to return home with me. i was happier than ever.

we picked up where we had left off, cherishing every moment together. we went on long walks, watched the sunset and shared meals together. i was thankful and happy to have him back by my side.

as we lay in bed one night, cher turned to me and said, "i love you more than anything in the world. thank you for never giving up on me." my heart began to beat faster by his words. i smiled and replied, "i will always love you, cher. you're the light of my life and i'll always be here for you."

we both fell asleep, happy that we had each other and that our love would always overcome everything.

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