48 ; soundwin (msp)

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A week ago, Sound's ex-boyfriend, Asher, broke up with him. Although it wasn't long ago, Sound witnessed Asher kissing another student. Asher used to hide their relationship due to his homophobic friends, fearing he would lose them. Consequently, he lost Sound as his boyfriend.

Asher proved to be a poor boyfriend by consistently bullying Sound in university including physical assaults such as beating him and pushing him into lockers or onto the ground. After one such incident, Sound sobbed in Asher's arms, hoping Asher would change. Instead, Asher reacted angrily, scolding Sound to 'stop being a crybaby' and to 'man up'. Despite this mistreatment, Sound justified Asher's behavior, convincing himself that Asher's actions were necessary due to their secret relationship.

Sound's best friend, Win, tried his best to make Sound aware of Asher's unacceptable behavior, but Sound failed to perceive it as abnormal. Nevertheless, Win refused to give in, continuing to make negative remarks about Asher.

"Your ex-boyfriend is a dick. You know that, right?"

Sound used to roll his eyes and shake his head at Win's comments, assuming Win was teasing him as usual or that Win was simply jealous. Over time, he became aware that his friend was telling him the harsh truth, and that Win intended to show his friend that he genuinely cared.

He regretted not believing Win's warnings sooner and now had to live with the consequences of failing to acknowledge his ex-boyfriend's toxic behavior. He deeply wished that he could turn back time to avoid agreeing to be Asher's boyfriend, thereby sparing himself the pain he was currently enduring.

As Sound dealt with regret and the pain of his experience with Asher, he found reassurance in the steady support of his friends, especially Win. With Win by his side, he slowly began to feel better. However, Sound knew his healing journey was far from over, recognizing the need to continue working on rebuilding his confidence.

After what Asher had done to him, Sound struggled with his self-esteem, doubting whether he deserved love or if he would ever experience falling in love and being loved again. Although he didn't believe he was ever truly loved by his ex-boyfriend. Struggling with uncertainty, Sound questioned whether he understood what love was, realizing that Asher's actions didn't align with love.

However, the love and affection offered by Win—the platonic kind—gave him comfort, as it was the most familiar form of love to him.

"Sound, I may or may not have an awesome idea but don't laugh at me when I say this."

After Sound and Win caught Asher making out with another person—a woman—Sound ran into an empty lecture room and burst into tears. He sobbed on Win's shoulder for nearly ten minutes, no exaggeration. Due to the trauma he went through, he found no solace in Win's embrace, fearing Win's response might mirror Asher's.

In reality, Win was more than willing to offer hugs and comfort to Sound. He tightened his embrace, hoping it would ease Sound's sorrow. After a few minutes, it began to work, and Sound's tears slowly ceased.

After Sound calmed down, they made their way back to their previous location to where Asher was. To their surprise, Asher and the mysterious stranger had stopped kissing. Instead, they were standing next to each other, giggling loudly for every student, especially Sound, to hear. Asher peeked at Sound and saw his red, puffy eyes. Acknowledging that he had broken Sound's heart once more, he forced a smirk for his new fling, despite the pain he felt over hurting Sound.

Despite noticing that Asher's smirk wasn't actually genuine, Sound couldn't care less. Over the past, he had tried his best to ensure Asher accepted his sexuality without ever forcing him to publicly come out. All Sound wanted was for the bullying to stop. However, even considering that Asher might be suffering from the 'pretending to be straight' strategy, Sound had no empathy left.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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